Sunday, November 6, 2011


The purpose of this TOC is to make it easier to get to posts that might be of particular interest to the visitors. To this end, I've added a brief description of what can be found in each post. To get to the post, just click the title in the TOC. No need to use the archives. To return just click the "Return to TOC" label at the end of each post.

When I created this TOC I just followed the order entry, but this just leaves what I feel are the most important posts under the pile. These were the reason I started the blog. It was my intention to make available information not as well known nor so readily available on the internet. What I am doing now is bringing those posts to the front of the TOC. Chronological order is still maintained in the archives. For now, I'm deciding what is the best order. I’m also thinking of just adding the links to the related posts in the description of the main topic. This will be a work in progress.

I'd appreciate it if you'd drop me a comment if you find this useful.

The truth is out there. -- Fox Mulder
The truth is. The problem is getting it out there! -- PhreedomPhan

America's Ruling Party : The Council on Foreign Relations

Founded by Edward Mandel House who was called Woodrow Wilson's alter-ego, this organization is funded by the extremely wealthy and their foundations. It has been working to undermine our national sovereignty at least since the Roosevelt administration. To bring about the World Government they seek, it was first necessary to bring down the standard of living of the American people and other advanced peoples of the world. In the words of former Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, “The standard of living of the average American must come down.” Our current economic mess is the result of their ongoing efforts to accomplish this.

Rhodes and His Scholars
Cecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and British Imperialist, dedicate his ill gotten fortune to the establishment of a secret society to spread the Empire around the globe and to return the United States to England. In this post, several articles give a general background on Rhodes and his schemes followed by a series of articles that ran in the Chicago Tribune in 1951 about Cecil's Termites gnawing at the foundations of our Republic. In time, I hope to break these down into separate blogs to make them easier reading and facilitate access to individual articles.


Below is the regular order of posts.

Uncommon Criminals
In earlier posts in this blog, the Department of (in)Justice was shown to be a nest of traitors and enemies of America.  This exposes its criminal nature.

Secret Service, Tacoma Police Department, Principal of Truman Middle School, Tacoma School District
The gangsterment is really getting paranoid.  In this latest episode of police state thuggery, a 13 year old school boy is interrogated for a half hour without his mother's permission or presence.  This teenage "terrorist" is lucky he wasn't water-boarded.  His crime?  A Facebook post the SS agent who interrogated him said threatened Obama.  Is the New World Order running scared?

Banks And Banksters - Part I

The truth being spread about how the banks and banksters manipulate our economy through the money supply and are transferring everything we own to themselves has apparently put the banksters on the defensive. The blatant lies of Citizens Bank show a hint of desperation.

Banks will be on shaky ground as long as Jefferson continues to speak to us from the grave as he does here.

A Litmus Test for Enemies

Our natural Right to Keep and Bear Arms as recognized by the Second Amendment---a test of the loyalty of politicians and bureaucrats to America and its founding principles and to the American people. This test can be used by peoples of other lands to see if they are viewed as citizens or subjects.

Internet Censors

A list of the enemies of liberty who voted for a bill that would likely end in draconian censorship of all on the internet who don't toe the government line with some thoughts on the bill.

Department of Justice -- Part 2

Follow up evidence of the DoJ's bias against the white majority. A case against New Black Panther Party members who intimidated voters in a Philadelphia election district in 2008 was dismissed by the Department after a default judgement had already been rendered against them.

Evidence of the DoJ's bias against whites, blacks, and almost everyone else. A rabid rabbi in Israel has published a book giving justification for killing non-Jews.

Dan Onorato

An enemy of representative government, Onorato wants to reduce the number of representatives in the Pennsylvania State House.

Department of Justice

A report by the Department intended for law enforcement officials attacks patriots and defenders of the Constitution among others. This abomination has earned the DoJ a place among America's most infamous enemies.

Southern Poverty Law Center

A letter from a patriotic American to the racist, un-American SPLC and the Department of Justice concerning lists of pro-America groups to be watched and possibly prosecuted for their patriotic activities.

More Enemies In Congress

A list of 50 members of the House and Senate who have consistently supported immigration, both legal and illegal to the detriment of American workers and our national sovereignty.

Barack Obama

Obama's TV production of him and his family swimming in the Gulf may have been a fraud. If so great danger may lie in wait for those who actually swim in the Gulf or consume Gulf produce.

Early Lives of Some of Our Enemies

Video from the childhoods of some of our present enemies in Washington. Updated 2/09/11 to replace defunct url.

Racist NAACP

NAACP intolerance of political dissent has earned it a listing in this Hall of Shame.

A Note of Appreciation

One person's view of how the "elite" view us worker bugs.

Nothing Changes

William Henry Harrison notes that, from the time of ancient Rome to the time of his inauguration unkept campaign promises have been the rule. He was inaugurated in 1841. Has anyone noted any change in that? Of course not! The first rule of politics is still promise them anything but give them the shaft.

Mexican Bandit Invades America

Last week, Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico, made a state visit to the United States. It was not a friendly visit. He came to attack Arizona and U.S. immigration policies. Although he obviously was not extending the hand of friendship, he was doubtlessly extending the hand with a tin cup. Obama, ever our enemy, sided with this bandit. I'm sure he also filled the cup.


A list of 59 of the 60 Senators who voted for the healthcare Obamanation despite the wishes of the majority of the American people, and, in many cases, the States that they were originally intended to represent.


This is a list of those Congressmen who voted for the healthcare Obamanation despite the wishes of the majority that they are supposed to represent.


Graphic depiction of the source of Gorebull Warming.


A list of corporate members of the CFR from the CFR. Do you see many surprises there?

This is an addendum to the media control I showed in "America's Ruling Party." "Conservatives swear by Fox and "liberals" swear at Fox. Both are wasting their breath. Fox is controlled by the Ruling Party and is, therefore, an enemy of America.

I've always been upset by the willingness of our "leaders" to associate with some of the worst mass murderers on our planet. The visit of Richard Nixon to China and the resumption of trade with the butchers of Beijing while events in Korea were still fairly fresh in my mind inspired a nightmare. At the time we were shaking hands with the Butchers of Beijing, we were imposing sanctions against South Africa for human rights violations. Now we're doing about the same regarding China and Iran. I pointed out the hypocrisy in "New World Order - Death of America in my lostliberty blog. Recent events regarding China, Obama and our State Department might make that dream disturb my sleep once again.

This is an apology for the lousy job I did on the BILDERBERG PLANS post with a link to a great blog with a post that covers the subject thoroughly.

Brief summary of the Bilderberg plans made in this year's meeting as reported in Global Research


Letters written to Contract Engineering Weekly in 1990. The first blames our decline on the decline of the engineer and the second on the government.


This is a preliminary list of invitees to the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Greece. The Bilderberg Group is another elitist enemy of America and all mankind. (Just an aside: Isn't it amazing how the dregs of society are called "elite?")

Did I Offend Anyone?

Obama rated by the Black Agenda Report

Bailouts – The Sinking of the American Ship of State
Bailout money from the American taxpayers will be used by GM to ship the equivalent production of four assembly plants to Mexico, South Korea, and China. From “The Nation.” What's that about “None dare call it treason?”

Rhodes – The Beat Goes On
The efforts of the late Rhodes Scholar Clarence Streit to undermine our national sovereignty continues in the Streit Council

“Uncle Tom” Not In Charge
Who really runs “National Security? Is there a government behind the government?

Obama Continues Web of Treason
When is change not?

Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason. – Sir John Harrington (1561 – 1612)

Trilateral Commission : Shock Troops of the Council on Foreign Relations
It matters little who gets elected. Trilateralists in either administration will continue to work for the Council's goal of making these United States a footnote in history.

America's Ruling Party : The Council on Foreign Relations
Founded by Edward Mandel House who was called Woodrow Wilson's alter-ego, this organization is funded by the extremely wealthy and their foundations. It has been working to undermine our national sovereignty at least since the Roosevelt administration. To bring about the World Government they seek, it was first necessary to bring down the standard of living of the American people and other advanced peoples of the world. In the words of former Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, “The standard of living of the average American must come down.” Our current economic mess is the result of their ongoing efforts to accomplish this.

America's Ruling Party and the Neo-Cons – The “Neo-Con” Project for a New American Century was dominated by the CFR and the TC.

America's Ruling Party and the Neo-MidRoaders – This is the name I gave the gang that wrote “American Agenda: A Report to the Forty-First President of the United States.” They were co- chaired by Gerald Ford (Bilderbergers? and CFR} and Jimmy Carter (CFR and TC). Rhodes Scholars and one or more Club of Rome members were included. No less than four global elitist groups were among those giving advice to the President.

America's Ruling Party and the Neo-Libs – Again, a name I gave those “conservative” businessmen who ported over to the “New Deal” in much the same way the McGovern “liberals” ported to the Republican party to become the “Neo-Cons. No Trilaterals here because the TC didn't come into being until 1973, but all six were or became CFR members.

The Six “Wise” Men- These are the “Neo-Libs” summarized. The are a fine collection of elitists, traitors, Anglophiles (who I've come to hold in loathing and contempt much as I hold Pedophiles), and Bonesmen.

America's Ruling Party and the Media – Shows how a group with a membership that I don't believe has ever exceeded 15 ten thousandths of 1% of the population has remained semi-secret while dominating every administration for three quarters of a century. They've even got Kermit and Cookie Monster doing their dirty work.

America's Ruling Party in the Encyclopedia – As powerful and important this organization is, there is almost no mention of it in the encyclopedias. What is written about it is written with the approval of the CFR.

Rhodes and His ScholarsCecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and British Imperialist, dedicate his ill gotten fortune to the establishment of a secret society to spread the Empire around the globe and to return the United States to England. In this post, several articles give a general background on Rhodes and his schemes followed by a series of articles that ran in the Chicago Tribune in 1951 about Cecil's Termites gnawing at the foundations of our Republic. In time, I hope to break these down into separate blogs to make them easier reading and facilitate access to individual articles.

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