I have listed the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Rhodes Scholars as America's enemies. Also belonging to that list is the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome. I haven't mentioned them because they are international equivalents of the CFR and the TC so their membership in our government is relatively small. They are, never-the-less, continuing the dirty work of our domestic Treason Clubs. Many high level American low lifes are invited to attend the Bilderberg meetings.
I admit that I am being insular in calling these groups “America's enemies.” They are, in fact, enemies of the entire human race. They pit us one against the other in wars, revolutions, terrorism, economic upheavals, and all sorts of managed crises of their making. They are immune to the chaos they create and sit back and rake in the profits and power.
Below is a preliminary listing of invitees to the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Greece. The list was taken from a Greek newspaper, Vima, and translated into German by Freeman the blogger at:
(everything noise and smoke)(the blog is in German)
Some of the names he said were derived phonetically, probably from an insider phone call, so the spelling may not be correct. Compound this by my having to reach back 40 years to translate from German.
Freeman says not all the invitees attended, but points out that the significant thing is the fact they received an invitation.
He doesn't certify that the list is accurate, only that it is the list given by the Greek newspaper (to) Vima. To the skeptics who insist that the source be the mainstream press, he says ... “here it is, a serious, nationwide, Greek daily newspaper.”
He notes that there is nobody from Russia or China. Bilderberg is strictly a European and North American “Club.”
The blog's author points out the clear conflict of interest. “Heads of business concerns are meeting with heads of ministries and bureaus that are supposed to control them and with secret service and military people, and with national leaders and politicians, and, at the same time with media bosses, who should control it all. That's absurd. Where is the separation of powers. A Gemauschel (joke?) and a farce. They apparently stick everything under one cover. We are clearly 'verarscht' from all sides.” (I couldn't find this word in my dictionary, but Arsch means butt so I assume it means we're being made asses of or simply shown only the butt end.) He continues, “No wonder the media reports nothing and is dead silent on the meetings. They are part of it.” (See the media and encyclopedia sections of the America's Ruling Party Post in this blog. Sound familiar?)
Freeman asks that anyone who uses this list in their website include a backlink. I've already posted his site link above. He may mean to the Greek newspaper. Not many will be able to read it. I certainly can't, but here it is:
Where I could, I tried to identify CFR and TC members. I used an 1996 CFR list, so there are a lot of TC members from a 2009 TC list who do not show as CFR. There's usually a close correlation as the larger TC fish are usually drawn from the CFR cesspool so it's likely most of them are also CFR. I've also added BB next to some of the names. These are people who showed up on my CFR list as having attended at least one previous meeting. I also found what I thought a major anomoly. Peter Denis Southerland is the European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and is also listed as CFR. I had never known that anyone other than Americans and maybe some Canadians belonged to the CFR, and I have some partial lists buried somewhere in my files from the 70's. Anyway, for better or for worse, here is the list:
Beatrix – Queen of the Netherlands (Holland)
Sofia – Queen of Spain
Konstantin – former King of Greece
Philipp – Prince of Belgium, member of the Club of Rome
Joseph Ackerman – Chairman of the Deutsche (German) Bank
Keith Alexander - Director of the US National Security Agency (NSA), which the blogger calls the largest security service in the world (take that Gestapo and KGB).
Georgios Alogoskoufis – former Economic and Finance Minister of Greece
Roger Altman – Deputy Treasury Secretary under Rhodes Scholar President Clinton CFR
Efstratios-Georgios A. Arapoglou – head of the Central Bank of Greece
Ali Babacan – Turkish Foreign Minister, Coordinator for Turkish trade with the EU
Dora Bakoyannis – Foreign Minister of Greece
Francisco Pinto Balsemão – Portugese Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister?)
Nicolas Baverez – Editor or Publisher of the French “Le Point.”
Franco Bernabè - Chief of Telecom Italy, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rothschild Europe
Xavier Bertrand – General Secretary of the UMP Party of France
Nils Daniel Carl Bildt – Foreign Minister of Sweden TC
Jan Arne Björklund – Cultural? Minister, Party Chairman of the Folkpartiet liberalerna Sweden
Christoph Blocher - former Bundesrat member and former Party boss of the SVP
Alexandre Bompard - Journalist for Radio Europe 1 France
Ana Botín – Daughter of the Chairman of the Bank of Santander Emilio Botín TC
Juan Luis Cebrián – Chief of the PRISA Group of Media Spain
W. Edmund Clark – Head of the Toronto-Dominion Bank of Canada
Kenneth Harry Clarke – ex-Finance Minister of Britain
Luc Coene – head of the Belgian Nationalbank TC
George David - President of CocaCola Greece
Sir Richard Billing Dearlove - ex-Chief of the british security service MI6
Anna Diamantopoulou - PASOK parliament member, Greece
Mario Draghi – Head of the Italian Central Bank
Anders Eldrup - Head und President of DONG Energy Denmark
John Jacob Philip Elkann – Vice president of Fiat- Konzerns? (Corporation?)
Thomas Enders – head of Airbus
José Manuel Entrecanales – Head of Baukonzerns Acciona Spain
Isidro Fainé Casas - President of Caixa Bank and SEAT advisor
Niall Ferguson - Professor of Economics at Havard Business School
Timothy Franz Geithner – Treasury Secretary of the USA CFR, TC
Dermot Gleeson – Advisor to the Irish government and businessman (Chrmn AIB Group, Dublin?) TC
Donald E. Graham – CEO and Chairman of the board of the Washinton Post TC
Alfred Gusenbauer – ex-Chancellor of Austria
Victor Halberstadt - Professor of economic sciences at the University of Leiden
Ernst Hirsch Ballin – Justice Minister of the Netherlands (Holland)
Richard Holbrooke – Special Envoy for Pakistan und Afghanistan for Obama CFR, TC BB
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer – NATO-General Secretary
James Logan Jones Jr. - National Security Advisor for President Obama TC
Vernon Eulion Jordan – former security advisor for Clinton CFR BB
Robert Kagan – US-Security Advisor for Security, Terrorism, and the Balkans CFR, TC
Jyrki Katainen – Finance Minister of Finnland
Henry Alfred Kissinger – ex-US-Security Advisor and US-Secretary of State CFR, TC BB
Mustafa Koç – Chairman of the Koç Holding of the great Turkish Mischkonzern
Roland Koch – Hessian Minister President
Sami Kohen – Foreign Political Columnist for the Turkish newspaper Milliyet
Henry Kravis - Hudson Institute CFR BB
Marie-Josee Kravis - Hudson Institute CFR
Neelie Kroes – EU-Commissioner of Commerce
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos - President of the Combined? Greek Industries
Manuela Ferreira Leite – Economist and Politician
Bernardino León – Spanish Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Jessica Tuchman Mathews – President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace CFR
Philippe Maystadt - President of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Frank McKenna – Vice-Chairman of the TD Bank Financial Group
John Micklethwait – Economics Editor of The Economist
Thierry Montbrial - President of the French Institute of International Relations
Mario Monti – President, Bocconi University, member of the EU Reflection Group on the Future TC
Miguel Ángel Moratinos – Spanish Foreign Minister
Craig Mundie – Chief Research and Strategy officer for Microsoft
Egil Myklebust – ex-Chairman of SAS, Norwegian Hydro ASA, Member of the World Economic Advisors for sustained development
Matthias Nass – Assistant Editor (Publisher?) "Die Zeit"
Denis Olivennes - Director of the New Observer of France
Frederic Oudea – Head of the Societe General Bank of France
Cem Özdemir – Chairman of the Bündnis 90 Party/The Greens
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa – ex-Finance Minister of Italy
Dimitris Papalexopoulos – Head of Titan Cement Company S.A. Greece
Jannos Papathanasiou – Greek Economics and Finance Minister
Richard Perle – Security Advisor under George W. Bush CFR
David Petraeus – US-Four-Star General, Commander of the US Central Command, responsible for the Near East and Central Asia CFR
Manuel Pinho – Portugese Minister for Economics and Innovation?
Robert Prichard - Head of the Toronto Star Newspaper, Canada
Romano Prodi – ex-Prime Minister of Italy, ex-President of the European Commission
Olli Rehn – EU-Progress Commissioner of Finnland
Heather Reisman – Head of Indigo Books & Music Inc Canada
Eivind Reiten – General Director of Petroleum Operations? Norsk Hydro
Michael Ringier – Administrative Board President of Ringier Holding AG, largest publisher? in Switzerland
David Rockefeller – Banker (an understatement), founder of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission, Capo di tutti Capi (I don't know what that means, but I suspect it corrects the understatement. Maybe “Godfather?”) CFR, TC (Founder and Honorary Chairman) BB
Dennis B. Ross – Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy Thinktank (Idea Factory)
Special Middle East Coordinator for Clinton CFR, TC
Robert Edward Rubin – Treasury Secretary under Clinton, Economic Advisor for Obama
Alberto Ruiz-Gallardòn – Mayor of Madrid
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer – Head of the Akbank of Turkey
Indira Samarasekera – President of the University of Alberta
Rudolf Scholten – Board Member of the Austrian Kontrollbank AG
Jürgen Schrempp – ex-Chairman of DaimlerChrysler AG
Pedro Solbes Mira - ex-Economic- and Finance Minister of Spain (This from a 1-23-09 TC list: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Finances, Spain; former Member of the European Commission) TC
Sampatzi Saraz - Turkish Banker
Sanata Seketa - Canada
Dominique Strauss-Kahn – Head of the International Currency Exchange?
Lawrence Summers – ex-President of the Worldbank, ex-Treasury Secretary under Clinton, Economic Advisor to Obama CFR, TC BB
Peter Denis Sutherland – ex-EU-Trade? Commissioner, Chairman of the Board of BP and Goldman Sachs International CFR, TC European Chairman
Martin Taylor – ex-Head of Barclays Bank, Chairman of Syngenta, ex-Generalsecretary of the Bilderberg Group
Peter Thiel – ex-head of PayPal
Jean-Claude Trichet – Head of the European Centralbank
Agan Ourgkout - Turkey
Matti Vanhanen – Prime Minister Finnland
Daniel Vasella – Head of Novartis
Jeroen van der Veer – Head of Royal Dutch Shell TC
Guy Verhofstadt – former Prime Minister of Belgium
Paul Volcker – former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Economic Advisor to Barack Obama CFR, TC BB
Jacob Wallenberg - Banker and powerful industrialist from Sweden
Marcus Wallenberg - Banker and powerful industrialist from Sweden TC
Nout Wellink – Head of the Netherlands Centralbank, Member of the European Centralbank
Gerardus Johannes Wijers – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AkzoNobel, ex-Economics Minister of the Netherlands (Holland) TC
Martin Wolf - Journalist for the Financial Times
James David Wolfensohn – former President of the World Bank CFR BB
Paul Wolfowitz - ex-President of the World Bank, advisor to George W. Bush, and former deputy Secretary of Defense of the USA, High Level-Neocon CFR, TC BB
Fareed Zakaria – Chief Editor of Newsweek International and political Commentator for ABC News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New Yorker und CNN CFR, TC
Robert Zoellick - President of the World Bank CFR, TC BB
Are you as shocked as I that this group of people who are working so diligently to give us a global “democracy” for “all” the people failed to include invitations to factory workers, office workers, restaurant employees, low and middle management, farmers, repairmen, your local party committee people, etc.? Maybe it was an oversight.... or maybe this is just a partial list.
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The End of College Vaccine Mandates
By Lucia Sinatra | Brownstone Institute | February 18, 2025 With one stroke
of his pen, President Trump accomplished what we have been fighting for
over th...
7 hours ago
I can sympathize, cb, unfortunately I can't close my account with RBC because I don't have one. Quite frankly, if I live long enough I plan to do a good bit of posting on banks as one of the first and most virulent enemies of America and the world. I have a very special loathing for the Bank of England which probably controls RBC and the Federal Reserve.
These great people (most of which are Americans) know that humanity needs to take the next step in it's social evolution if it is to grow belong the confines of this orb and that nationalistic thinking is on the path to extinction. When the world unites, we'll not be cowering in the dark like Jones and Tucker would have us, but rejoicing in the light of a new era. Where all of Earth's people live in a world without borders united with liberty, justice the American way. God Bless America and God Speed to The Bildaberg Group (Americans) in this noble quest to save humanity from itself..
ReplyDeleteGreat comment, Apollo! You've done a better job than I ever could in exposing the ludicrous propaganda these people use to forward their masters' agenda.
ReplyDeleteI probably never would have thought of the “social evolution” ploy, although it is implicit if not explicit in their propaganda that labels all opposition as backward thinking. On the other hand, patriotism as the cause of wars is used so often it has become transparent to the most addled of thinkers.
“Cowering in the dark.” That's classic!....and I don't think anyone could have done a better job of illustrating how the master thugs use these lesser thugs, the “intellectuals” who prostitute their minds to the highest bidders. These whores, euphemistically called “great people” by satirists like yourself, are used to paint, in glowing terms, their masters' schemes to reduce humanity to an anthill. The mass of us, indistinguishable now, one from the other, will be the workers who slave to feed the economic royalty. This in perpetuity.
“Where all of Earth's people live in a world without borders united with liberty, justice the American way.” That's just too funny! Bravo!!!
You did a great job, Apollo, except for the last line. Calling the Bilderberg Group, founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands “American” is just too blatant.
Still, three cheers for Apollo for exposing the globalist propaganda in all its absurdity.