I had planned to follow my last post with one on the Trilaterals in the Carter administration, but this came up Sunday and I thought it important.
Parade Magazine, Oct. 19, 2008, reports a "discussion" between Republican national-security "expert" Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It isn't clear who is posing the questions nor who is saying what, but here are significant excerpts.
"What is our next President's most pressing foreign-policy challenge?"
"Addressing the worldwide crisis of confidence in our leadership. The U.S. must seriously consult with its allies, not act unilaterally. The President also must credibly convey that the era of American self-indulgence is over and that we will recognize global interdependence."
Absolutely! "Our" government must place a priority on what other countries want regardless of the wishes and well-being of the American people. To make clear that our "self-indulgence" is over, the average American must be prepared to abandon his hovel for the steam grate. Of course, we cannot ask the wealthy and their political puppets to give up their mansions, country clubs, and generally profligate lifestyles. That would be inhumane.
What does "recognize global interdependence" mean? We must realize that this has a totally different meaning to the elite than it does to most of us. We tend to think in terms of the need to buy the products of another nation that we may not be able to produce as readily and to sell them that which we can manufacture more efficiently. But in those terms, we have always been "interdependent." To the elite then, interdependence must have a different meaning. It does! To them it means merging much of our national sovereignty into global agencies. It means overriding our laws and our Constitution with international laws that will best protect and further, not the interests of the American people, but of the international financiers and multi-national mega-corporations. Of course, taxing powers to support these laws and agencies in a supra-national entity will be necessary.
"A Strategy of Interdependence" by Vincent P. Rock* lays out what is (or was), ostensibly, a plan to reduce tension between the Soviet Union and the U.S. But it went beyond that. It went as far as to not so subtly attack the very concept of the nation state; that is, sovereignty:
"A flaw in both the Western alliance system and the Soviet bloc arrangements is that, while within their area of influence they attempt to curtail the chaos of the multistate system**, in regard to each other the Soviet Union and the United States have been content for relations to remain largely in a state of nature governed ultimately by force. Thus as soon as an ally has the power, it seeks to reassert its sovereignty in the brutish world of nation-states."
How's that for a rational, unbiased, intellectual argument against national sovereignty: "...the chaos of the multistate system,..." and "...the brutish world of nation-states." What would this mean if, after our government has accepted the latest push at North American "interdependence," after the United States melts into the North American Union, we seek to "reassert our sovereignty?" Will we see U.N. troops marching through our streets? Absurd? Maybe. But don't discount it too smugly.
"What should the next President do to ensure change?"
"General Scowcroft and I recommend reviving bipartisanship. The President should appoint respected people from the other party to top national-security posts."
How can we have bipartisanship when we have only one party with two faces? When Brzezinski talks of "reviving bipartisanship" does he mean "continue two-faced politics?" I do think it highly likely that no matter who is elected, McCain or Obama, "respected " will translate into CFR and/or Trilateral membership. I would not be too surprised if McCain's top foreign policy advisor, Henry Kissinger and Obama's top man, Brzezinski both get top level security jobs regardless of the election outcome.
A vote for Obama or McCain is a vote to keep our children in bondage. Yes! I said "keep."
*Rock's book was on the recommended reading list of the Council on Foreign Relations.
**This same attitude toward Nations within alliances is paralleled in the attitude toward the States within the United States and toward our local governments. Here the plan to eliminate our States and locals is called regionalism. There's an article on that in:
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission
Shock Troops of the Council On Foreign Relations
The Candidates of 2008 -- Brought to You by the Trilateral Commission
I pointed out in an earlier entry, America's Ruling Party, the Council On Foreign Relations has been promoting world government and pushing us in that direction for almost a century. It has done this by capturing key positions in every administration, at least since FDR.
To a large extent, the CFR has been a "think tank" developing the philosophies, goals, and strategies of the globalists and working to implement them in the United States. In 1973, CFR kingpin David Rockefeller recognized the need to promote its goals among other countries and to gain the support of their governments through influencial people in those lands. The countries and governments targeted included those of North America, Europe, and Japan. To achieve this, Rockefeller enlisted the aid of Zbigniew Brzezinski and together with Henry Owen (Brookings Institution), George S. Franklin, Robert Bowie (Foreign Policy Association, Harvard Center for International Affairs), Gerard Smith (Salt I negotiator, Rockefeller in-law), Marshall Hornblower, William Scranton (former Governor of Pennsylvania), Edwin Reischauer (Harvard), Max Kohnstamm (European Policy Centre) formed the Trilateral Commission.
Commission members are the Shock Troops for the Council on Foreign Relations. They are charged with promoting and coordinating its efforts to create a world government of the "elite," by the "elite," and for the "elite." It's assignment is to bring the three regions above closer together in areas of economic, government, and business matters in order to further the interests of the economic royalty of those areas at the expense of the people.
The First Trilateral President
In November of 1976, James Earl Carter was elected President of the United States. Carter had been widely billed in the mass media as the "conservative" or the "progressive" Georgia Democrat with no connection to the eastern liberal establishment. The truth is, Carter had been hand picked by Rockefeller and Brzezinski to be a member of the Trilateral Commission. Almost from the beginning, Brzezinski and the Trilaterals began grooming Carter for the presidency.
To prepare his first major foreign policy speech, Carter got a little help from his friends in the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. Helping Carter with his speech were: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Cooper, Richard Gardner, Henry Owen, Edwin O. Reischauer, Averell Harriman, Anthony Lake, Robert Bowie, George Ball, Cyrus Vance, Milton Katz, Abram Chayes. I've found sources confirming the TC membership of the first ten.
Trilateral Control of the 2008 Election
I plan to get into Trilateral control of our government through the Carter administration and others in subsequent posts, but I wanted to write this little background on Jimmy Carter now because of the urgency with the upcoming election. History is about to repeat itself--again!
It was Antony Sutton and Patrick Wood who first exposed the Trilaterals to the light in their book, "Trilaterals Over Washington," Copyright 1978. Now Wood has done it again in his newsletter, August Review. He has revealed the Trilateralists backing the campaigns of both candidates.
Wood identifies four Trilaterals backing each campaign:
"In Obama's case, Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Commission in 1973) is emerging as his principal advisor on foreign policy. Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volker has made a once-in-a-lifetime, glowing endorsement of Obama. Madelyn Albright is seen sitting next to Obama in several conferences. Shoot, even Jimmy Carter himself endorses Obama. All are top members of the Commission.
John McCain is being supported by several Trilateral Commission giants including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig. All of these are ex-Secretaries of State who issued a joint endorsement of McCain early-on in his campaign."
Wood is offering a free ebook copy of Trilaterals Over Washington to anyone who subscribes to his free newsletter.
Mr. Wood seems to see Obama as the annointed of the power elite. Certainly that would explain the McCain TV commercials I've seen that look like they were designed to assure Obama's election.
But it doesn't really matter. Regardless of who wins, we lose. Our government will continue to be under the control of those working to bring an end to our national sovereignty, our liberty, and our Constitution.
Wood has promised to never again vote for the lesser of two evils. I stopped some time ago when I realized that he who votes for the lesser of two evils is consciously voting for evil. I recently read an interesting view on the "evil" of this election. The writer felt that the major parties are giving us a choice of "the evil of two lessers." I liked that. I thought it very appropriate. I regret I don't remember where I read it to give credit.
The Modern History Project
Trilaterals Over Washington
August Review
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
America’s Ruling Party--The Council on Foreign Relations
America’s Ruling Party and the Neo-Cons
When a link to the “Project for a New American Century,” was posted in a political discussion group several years ago, I was impressed by the list of participants so I ran a check of their names against a 1996 list of Council on Foreign Relations members. I didn’t have anything to confirm that the names on the CFR list are the same people as on this list, but I’d bet dollars to donuts that there’s at least an 85% correlation. There are also several whose names appear on the list of contributors to Foreign Affairs, a publication of the CFR. Again, dollars to donuts, 85%. Family connections appear to exist in a couple of cases, and there are a couple others that may be linked that way, but I couldn’t make a connection. Given the nepotism and incest that has characterized ruling elites of the past, there’s probably a good chance that connections exist.
Here’s a summary: 8 probable CFR members--of those, two are also members of the Bilderbergers* and one of those two also Trilateral Commission; 5 others are probable contributors to Foreign Affairs; 2 are probable family connections--one likely the father and one the brother of the same probable member; 4 that I did not put in any of the above, have possible family connections. There are several who have overlapping probable and possible connections. I only counted them once. In other words, 15 of 27 have probable CFR connections--55.6%. Add to that another 4 possibles.
*Since originally writing this, I’ve learned that many who appear as Bilderberg members on various lists may have been people whose globalist leanings are strong enough to warrant an invitation to a Bilderberg meeting. They may not be members.
Roger Barnett not cfr but a Roger and Michael N. are contributors to Foreign Affairs andMichael N. & Robert Warren are membersU.S.
Naval War College
Alvin Bernstein not cfr but an Alvin is a contributor to Foreign Affairs and David S., Edward M., Peter W., Robert L., Tom A. are members.
National Defense University
Stephen Cambone
National Defense University
Eliot Cohen Eliot A. Cohen cfr and 15 other Cohens--didn’t try to link family
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Devon Gaffney Cross Devon Cross cfr, bb
Donors' Forum for International Affairs
Thomas Donnelly not cfr but a Thomas Donnelly is a contributor to Foreign Affairs
Project for the New American Century
David Epstein not cfr but Jason, Jeffrey E., Joshua M. are members.
Office of Secretary of Defense, Net Assessment
David Fautua
Lt. Col., U.S. Army
Dan Goure
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Donald Kagan cfr (2001 list) father of a Robert Kagan
Yale University
Fred Kagan another son of Donald Kagan
U. S. Military Academy at West Point
Robert Kagan Robert W. Kagan cfr confirmed
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Robert Killebrew
Col., USA (Ret.)
William Kristol not cfr but an Irving Kristol is and an Irving Kristol is father to a William Kristol
The Weekly Standard
Mark Lagon Mark P. Lagon cfr
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
James Lasswell not a member but a Harold D. is.
GAMA Corporation
I. Lewis Libby I. Lewis Libby cfr
Dechert Price & Rhoads
Robert Martinage
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment
Phil Meilinger
U.S. Naval War College
Mackubin Owens
U.S. Naval War College
Steve Rosen Steven P. Rosen cfr
Harvard University
Gary Schmitt not cfr but listed as a co-author with Shulsky a Foreign Affairs contributor also a Bernadotte Everly Schmitt is cfr
Project for the New American Century
Abram Shulsky not cfr but an Abram N. Shulsky is a contributor to Foreign Affairs
The RAND Corporation
Michael Vickers
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment
Barry Watts not cfr but a Barry D. Watts is a contributor to Foreign Affairs and Glenn E., John H., and William are members.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Paul Wolfowitz Paul Wolfowitz Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateral Commision
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Dov Zakheim Dov S. Zakheim cfr
System Planning Corporation
Later I went through the exercise with listed directors and project staff and found these:
Bruce P. Jackson - Bruce P. Jackson cfr membership confirmed in the Project’s biographies - there are 7 other Jacksons, interestingly, one is a Jesse L. Jackson.
Lewis E. Lehrman - cfr and a Hal is also a member.
Mark Gerson – not cfr but an Allen and a Ralph are members.
Randy Scheunemann - no, poor Randy seems to have been left out. Of course the cfr list is from 1996
Ellen Bork - cfr confirmed
Reuel Marc Gerecht – not cfr but Project biography says a contributor to Foreign Affairs.
I didn’t check the others for Foreign Affairs contributions.
America’s ruling party and the Neo-MidRoaders
I have a book titled, “American Agenda: Report to the Forty-First President of the United States of America.” The book is a compendium of articles giving advice to the President- Elect on various aspects of government policy. You might be tempted to call it, “The Four Year Plan for George H. W. Bush.” I did a membership analysis of the 400 “volunteers” that were part of the project, as well as the project leaders similar to that I did with the PNAC. Again, I can’t guarantee 100% correlation between names in the group and the names appearing in the CFR membership list from 1996, but I still believe there is no less than an 85% correlation.
Most interesting are the two chairmen, President Gerald R. Ford, member of the BilderBergers (or at least one of those so involved in globalist schemes as to be invited to their meetings) and the CFR, and President Jimmy Carter, member of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. One on the Republican “side” and one on the Democrat “side”.
Also interesting is the affiliation of the 16 members of the American Agenda’s Executive Committee. Thirteen are members of the CFR and many are also members of one or more of the elite and ultra-elite groups, those being the BilderBergers, Tri-lateral Commission, Club of Rome, and two other groups whose code I’m not sure of in my source. I think one is the Rhodes Scholars. There is also one one member with possible family connections.
The two Executive Directors are members of the CFR. Four of five “Senior Policy Coordinators are members. Those five are included in the 400 I analyzed as well.
I’m willing to bet that, in the case of these top people, the correlation runs close to 100%. This would mean that 21 of 25 running the group, or 84%, have at least CFR membership.
Of the 400, there are 97 who have probable CFR membership and many have membership in one or more of the other elitist organizations. That’s just under 25%. At least another 105 have possible family connections. Taking probables and possibles together make up about 50% of the people who composed the main body that contributed to the report.
These are the people who run America, not us. There is only one party, the Council on Foreign Relations with its two divisions--Republican and Democrat. Major candidates and/or their key appointed personnel are taken from this pool. Elections are a dog and pony show for the masses. In-fighting may be real among some of the candidates in the two “parties” chosen to display our “choices”, but the rivalry is similar to that of players on an NFL team. Players may battle each other to earn a starting job, but they all pull together to defeat the other teams in the league. Likewise, the members of these elite groups may, in the mock elections, fight real battles to earn the right to carry the ball, but afterward, they all pull together to defeat our Constitution, our National Sovereignty, and our Liberty.
A brain-child of globalist Edward Mandell House, the CFR is comprised of only about 4000 members, that's about 15 ten thousandths of one percent of the population, yet it has provided an incredibly disproportionate number of members of every administration for at least 3/4 of a century. They also hold key positions throughout the media making it very easy for the organization to keep a low profile and to scoff at those who attempt to expose them.
These people, not Saddam, not Iraq, not Iran, not Al Quaida, and not the Taliban are the real threat to our liberty.
America’s Ruling Party and the Neo-Libs
A while back, I started reading a book called “The Wise Men” written by Rhodes Scholar Walter Isaacson and Thomas Evans. It’s subtitled “Six Friends and the World They Made.”
These were ostensibly conservative businessmen who ported over to the Roosevelt administration in much the same way the McGovern liberals ported over to the Republican party to become the “Neo-Cons.” For that reason I think “Neo-Libs” would have been an appropriate name for them at the time.
Just as the “Neo-Cons” played a major role in the Project for a New American Century, the authors credit these men with being the architects of the “American Century.” As many of the “Neo-Cons” tend to be Israel Firsters, the six were England Firsters.
The Six “Wise” Men
W. Averell Harriman - Skull & Bones, CFR
His father built the Union Pacific Railroad. A Tory England Firster, Harriman favored U.S. entry into WWI on behalf of his beloved Mutha England although he avoided actual service. A clever profiteer, he advocated a naval build up, bought the Chester Shipyard, and got a contract with the navy to build forty cargo ships. All were eventually delivered, but none before the Armistice. After the war he negotiated a private mineral rights deal with the Bolsheviks when our country refused to recognize the regime.
Dean Acheson - Scroll & Key, CFR
Scroll & Key is second only to Skull & Bones in prestige among the secret senior societies. The son of an Episcopal clergyman, Acheson attended Groton the prep school for Anglophile elite. Groton was compared to Eton. FDR also attended Groton. Groton students usually went on to Harvard, Yale, & Princeton.
Robert Lovett - Skull & Bones, CFR
His father was president of E.H. Harriman’s Union Pacific. He started the Yale Naval Reserve flying unit with a friend F. Trubie Davison whose father, a Morgan partner, gave financial backing. It was called the “millionaires unit” and its purpose was to train pilots for eventual use in defending Mutha England.
John McCloy - CFR
A Wall Street lawyer, he became president of the World Bank, chairman of Chase, and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.
George Kennan - CFR
Educated at Princeton, Kennan, the authors say, became “the intellectual darling of the Washington elite.”
Charles Bohlen - Porcellian Club, CFR
According to the authors, Bohlen was an “amiable insider to the circles of power.” He received his prep schooling at St. Paul’s in NH, another Anglophile school for the elite. He was a member of the Porcellian Club at Harvard as was Teddy Roosevelt. Membership in the club was “deemed so important to young Brahmins that disconsolate sophomores were known to drop out of Harvard upon rejection.”
From about 350 pages of almost 750 I filled over five blank pages in the front with reference notes. I can’t begin to list every significant point, but here are a few.
Harriman was called by some “Roosevelt’s tame businessman” and yet Lovett saw Harriman more like a sovereign than a subject to the President’s he “served.” Could he have been the messenger bringing orders from Wall Street to the presidents?
Harriman formed a joint shipping company with the Soviets in 1922 showing that the capitalists remained in bed with the communists from the beginning. Broker of many deals and “loans” to the USSR.
Bones Brothers stick together to monopolize the money. The Harrimans and two partners of Harriman Brothers, Prescott Bush and Knight Wooley had been Bones Brothers. Together with Lovett. Ellery James, Laurence Tighe, and Charles Dickey, partners in Brown Brothers, and fellow Yale Bonesmen, they brought about the merger of the two major banking firms.
Acheson’s life long Anglophilia was instilled as a child say the authors. While voicing love for “democracy,” he considered us the “vulgar mass of humanity.” He didn’t hesitate to use deceit to gain his ends from that “vulgar mass.” “They favored for example, a postwar loan for the Soviets and efforts to work out a system of joint control of the atom bomb. Yet Acheson and others consciously over stated the threat they perceived in order to sell their vision of America’s role in the postwar world.”
Lovett and McCloy, according to the book, would spend hours going over the roster of the CFR to find people they thought would be good in government. Research will show a lot more CFR in the Roosevelt administration than these six. (Note: Lovett and McCloy are the only ones listed as CFR by Isaacson and Thomas, but internet sites show that no later than the Truman administration all six were members.)
The authors showed considerable admiration for these “six friends,” and why not? Rhodes Scholars hold the same love for England, American intervention in world affairs, and globalism. Nevertheless, an astute reader can find more than enough evidence to indict this whole gang for treason. Unfortunately, there’s just too much to list here. It wouldn’t do any good anyway. The one thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history.
If anyone is interested, the book is published by Simon and Schuster and copyrighted in 1986.
This concludes my three part series showing the dominance of the CFR, Americas ruling party through administrations from FDR to George W. Bush and philosophies from the “left” through the center, and to the “right.” Most people, conditioned to believe the lib vs. con, Rep vs. Dem. charade will not accept it. The next section shows how they were conditioned, or maybe I should say, the tools used..
America's Ruling Party and the Media
In the preceeding three sections, I tried to show the relationship of America's ruling party, the Council on Foreign Relations, to the Neo-Cons of today, what I called the Mid-Roaders of not long ago, and a number of wealthy and connected men who played prominent roles in FDR's "liberal" regime and that of Harry Truman. Here's the reason why the majority of Americans have never heard of this group even though it has dominated almost every administration for at least 3/4 of a century. Calling the media "liberal" or conservative" is meaningless.
Here's a list of members of the media that I found on the I-Net who are also members of the CFR and/or the spin-off Trilateral Commission. The list is getting old, it's from the 90's, but you'll recognize many names from past and present. Some are dead. I’m sure many of their replacements are now CFR, but I'm not about to try to pull out present media people from more up to date lists because too few of the general public seem to understand or to care. Besides, even if the list is old, this should be ample evidence of the media control by the global elitists.
Here's the list:
CBS: Laurence A. Tisch, CEO, Dan Rather, Richard Hottelet, James Houghton - also Trilateral Commission, Henry Schacht - also TC, Roswell Gilpatric, Frank Stanton
NBC/RCA: Jane Pfeiffer, Tom Brokaw, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Irving R. Levine, Lester Crystal - also TC, R.W. Sonnenfeidt - also TC, John F. Welch, CEO, John Petty, Marvin Kalb, Herbert Schlosser, Peter G. Peterson, John Sawhill
ABC: Thomas S. Murphy, CEO, Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer John Connor, John Scall
Public Broadcast Service: Robert McNeil, Jim Lehrer, Daniel Schorr, C. Hunter-Gault, Hodding Carter III
Associated Press: Katharine Graham also TC, Stanley Swinton, Harold Anderson
Reuters: Michael Posner
Baltimore Sun: Henry Trewhitt
Washington Times: Arnaud De Borchgrave
Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street): Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. [Even Cookie Monster is CFR. We're doomed!!! I hear they're planning a new "Talking Elmo". It will say, "Hi! I'm Elmo. I'm here to help you learn. You will learn to obey!!]
Cable News Network: W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC only, Daniel Schorr
U.S. News & World Report: David Gergen -- TC
New York Times Co.: Richard Gelb, William Scranton - also TC , John F. Akers, Dir., Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir., George B. Munroe, Dir., Donald M. Stewart, Dir., Cyrus R. Vance, Dir., Max Frankel, Harrison Salisbury, and on and on to a total of 18 CFR that are or were with the NYT.
Time, Inc.: Alexander Heard, Sol Linowitz, Thomas Watson, Jr., Ralph Davidson, Donald M. Wilson, Henry Grunwald, Strobe Talbott
Newsweek/Washington Post: Katherine Graham, N. Deb. Katzenbach, Robert Christopher, Osborne Elliot, George Will CFR & TC and on and on to a total of 14 CFR that are or were with Newsweek/WP.
Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal): Richard Wood, Robert Bartley CFR & TC, Karen House
National Review: Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. - also Skull & Bones at Yale [Yes!!! The fabled "conservative" Bill Buckley is CFR, TC and a Bilderberg member or attendee]
Readers Digest: George V. Grune, CEO, William G. Bowen, Dir.
Syndicated Columnists: Geogia Anne Geyer, Ben J. Wattenberg
Additional control of the media, even local, is wielded through CFR membership of officers and directors of some of the largest advertisers.
The truth is! The problem is getting it out there!
America's Ruling Party in the Encyclopedia
For many years I’ve tried to show people that, while "liberal"/"conservative," Republican/Democrat administrations come and go, one thing remains constant throughout. The CFR has dominated both parties and all administrations since at least 1932. The Council on Foreign Relations is a heavily funded "think tank" dedicated to the world government so desired by the international financier and multi-national mega-corporations. It is in their interest and the interests of their patrons to ruin the country to make world government more palatable to the American people.
Few in the general public seem to be concerned that 15 ten thousandths of one percent of the population is able to wield so much power. Few seem concerned that they have enough control over the media to keep themselves semi-secret. The fact is that before Al Gore invented the internet, they were known to very few. Maybe it’s just an innate fear of the "C" word. Certainly the evidence suggests that what is going on is planned.
But are they secret enough to be part of a (shudder) conspiracy. Certainly, the encyclopedias will make them known to all. Let’s take a look at what the encyclopedias say.
Encyclopedia Brittanica has this to say about the Council on Foreign Relations: " "
Encyclopedia Americana says this: " "
Of those on my computer, Microsoft Encarta 2002 Comments: " "
(Although it had no article on the Council, it did have several articles in which the CFR was mentioned including five regarding Rockefeller Foundation Funding.)
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1999 goes whole hog: "The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, is an organization concerned with the international aspects of U.S. political, economic, and strategic matters. With a membership of almost 3,000 the council provides a forum for individuals with an interest in international affairs and sponsors research projects by its professional staff advised by selected leaders in education, public service, business, and the media. The council publishes the influential bimonthly Foreign Affairs and produces programs on National Public Radio. Its headquarters are in New York City."
World Book 2003 says: "Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization that studies problems in United States foreign policy. The council aims to develop new approaches to, and an understanding of, international relations. It does not, however, support or oppose any course of action.
The council encourages the publication of books on foreign affairs. The authors of these books need not be council members. However, they receive advice from study groups made up of experts who are members. Since 1922, the council has published a quarterly magazine called Foreign Affairs.
The Council on Foreign Relations sponsors about 150 meetings yearly for members. Leading government officials and experts in foreign affairs address the meetings. The council offers fellowships to selected individuals to broaden their knowledge of foreign affairs.
The council was established in 1921 and has over 2,500 members. It selects members for their experience and interest in foreign affairs. More than 35 committees on foreign relations in cities throughout the United States are associated with the council. The Council on Foreign Relations has headquarters at 58 E. 68th Street, New York, NY 10021. "
Critically reviewed by the Council on Foreign Relations
(Yes! World Book says all this, but only with the approval of the CFR)
A printed version of World Book tells us: "The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization, publisher, and study center in the United States. It works to encourage understanding of global issues and to develop new approaches to U.S. foreign policy. The council promotes debates and discussions to help clarify world issues. It also encourages the publication of books on foreign affairs. Since 1922, the council has published a quarterly magazine called Foreign Affairs.
The Council on Foreign Relations sponsors a number of meetings yearly for members. Leading government officials and experts in foreign affairs address the meetings. The council offers fellowships to selected individuals to broaden their knowledge of foreign affairs.
The council was established in 1921 and has about 4000 members. It selects members for their experience and interest in foreign affairs. The Council on Foreign Relations has headquarters in New York City. It also has offices in Washington, D.C. The council operates programs throughout the United States. "
Critically reviewed by the Council on Foreign Relations
(Once again, with permission only)
I have two other encyclopedias on my computer that have the same comments: " "
Finally, Wikipedia has a lengthy article that includes a link to this "independent study," "Building a North American Community" sponsored by the Council. Of course, it is said within the article that national sovereignty will be maintained. Riiiight! What’s left of it. This is the same line we heard fighting internal regionalism. It’s to "strengthen" local government. Right! By merging it into larger units as they plan to do with the United States. Watch what they do, not what they say.
Amazing how the mainstream encyclopedias can virtually overlook so powerful an organization.
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Friday, August 1, 2008
Rhodes and His Scholars
Below are a collection of writings on Cecil Rhodes and his Rhodes Scholarships followed by a series of articles on Rhodes Scholars printed in the Chicago Tribune in 1951. Read this and you might understand why I believe Rhodes Scholars should be registered as agents of a foreign government and not permitted to hold high office in this land. I regret I lost track of my sources for some of the writings.
Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships
"The idea gleaming and dancing before ones eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race one Empire. What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible." -- Cecil Rhodes, June 2, 1877
"The Society should inspire and even own portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of the people." -- Cecil Rhodes, 1877
"For fear that death might cut me off before the time for attempting its development, I leave all my worldly goods in trust ... to try to form such a Society with such an object." -- Cecil Rhodes, June 2, 1877
"In Washington, more Rhodes Scholars have been attracted to the State Department than to any other branch of the government, but there is good representation in the departments of War, Navy, Justice...". From "The American Rhodes Scholarship; A review of the first forty years", by Frank Aydelotte, (1946) Page 99.
"The Rhodes Trustees will not be satisfied until a Rhodes Scholar is President of the United States" -- from Forty Years of Rhodes Scholarships, by Carleton Kemp Allen (1944), page 18.
"Next week an Oxford man will become President of the United States. Three members of Bill Clinton's cabinet, two Supreme Court Judges and a host of congressmen are also Oxonians. In Japan, Oxford University now boasts not only the future emperor, Crown Prince Naruhito, but also his future wife, Masako Owada (a Balliol woman), among its alumni. With the worlds two most powerful economies sewn up, Oxford can afford to be smug. For its tentacles in the new world, Oxford owes much to the system of Rhodes Scholarships, which since 1903, have attracted some of the brightest of America's political climbers. Britain no longer rules the world. But, thanks to an old university with an excellent brand-name, it at least helps fashion the worlds rulers." -- London 'Economist', January 16, 1993.
Fortunately for the world, Rhodes did not wield enough political power during his lifetime to bring all the nations of the world under the rule of an international government. However, he left his fortune, acquired from diamond mining in Africa, to establish a scholarship program to indoctrinate promising young men and send them throughout the world to work toward the goal of world government.
Rhodes scholars helped to bring the United States of America into two World Wars, set up the United Nations, and gave to the nations of the world over one trillion dollars in the Marshall Plan and foreign aid funds. They have promoted free trade policies that are destroying American industry and causing innumerable social and economic problems.
Cecil Rhodes
Cecil Rhodes was a financier and statesman whose personal ambitions were a close second to those he had for British imperialism. It was still possible, in his lifetime, to implement colonialism while acquiring considerable power and accruing personal fortunes. It was the age of the dream of extending as far as possible the territories marked in red (that is, British colonies and dominions) on the world atlas. Born in July 1853, Cecil Rhodes was one of six sons of a vicar. Due to ill health, he was not sent to Eton or Winchester like two of his brothers, neither did he end up in the army. His poor constitution meant he had to revise his ambitions to become a barrister or a clergyman and study at the local grammar school instead. He had a great love of the country and of agriculture, which came to the fore later in his life when reforestation and rural development became one of his passions in South Africa.
He was sent to Natal to join his brother on a cotton farm in 1870. Their failure to grow the crop successfully and the incurable bite of diamond fever led them to move to Kimberley (in Africa) a year later, where Cecil Rhodes persisted with his dream of wealth in spite of terribly harsh conditions and bad luck, until he turned his fortune and succeeded to make a life of mining.
His young life was spent between Oxford and Kimberley, feeling in the main an odd man out in both places. His academic pursuits, though desultory, were viewed strangely in the mining provinces, and his unusual laugh, oratorial voice and behaviour singled him out in England. But he had an almost mystical inclination to perpetuate imperialism, and would speak at length on the subject, gathering small crowds of admirers. His ill health was an obstacle he stubbornly refused to be distracted by, but he felt its portent, for he made as many as seven wills. In each, his ambitions for furthering the power of the British Empire figured significantly.
Although he never regarded accumulating wealth as a means to itself, Rhodes became quite successful in that regard while attempting to fulfil his dreams which were, apart from `painting the map red', to build a railway from the Cape to Cairo, to reconcile the Boers and the British under one flag (the Union Jack, of course) and claim the American colonies for the Empire. They led him on a successful political career, with a number of achievements, not least of which being Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
Cecil Rhodes, who always insisted on being called simply `Mr Rhodes', was never married. His sympathies and leanings are described differently by different biographers, but it was a known fact it was not unusual for him to be surrounded, as in his younger Oxford days, by a crowd of young admiring bachelors. There was an annoying entanglement with a cunning self-styled adventuress, Princess Radziwitt, whose manipulative schemes were more financially than romantically inclined. Her passion for intrigue, power and gain caused the statesman more annoyance than political - or any other - advantage. She forged signatures, counterfeited documents and committed fraudulence using his name. He was even summoned to her trial and had to travel from Europe to Cape Town to give evidence.
Incurable heart disease brought Rhodes to his end in 1902. He had emerged into the new century hoping for an end to the Boer War, but it outlived him. He was buried in the Matopo Hills early in April of that year, after a funeral cortege by railway which was a memorable procession. The reading of his will later that month increased his reputation as an imaginative farsighted man, due to the creation of a new education grant trust for the now famous Rhodes Scholarships, his main legacy.
By William F. Jasper
"In America, where idealism is the yardstick used to judge a generation's collective virtue, Rhodes scholars are its masters," says Rhodes scholar Peter Beinart. "They are chosen as much for their public-spiritedness as for their academic prowess. Not all want to run for elective office, but the bulk think their talents can be most fully realized through public service. Like Clinton, my peers believe earnestly in government. Above all, they believe in themselves in government." Writing in the "My Turn" section of Newsweek's January 16th issue, Beinart, a 23-year-old student now in his second year at Oxford University, offers a perceptive critique of the "Rhodie" tendency to giddily embrace idealism as "summum bonum". Beinart notes that "such idealism should be refreshing. Yet after a year at Oxford, it makes me uneasy. The committment to government my colleagues express so passionately is rarely linked to a clear vision of what government should do....I'm afraid that the idealism for which Rhodes scholars receive praise is less an antidote to the problems of American politics than a symptom of them."
"Lacking a vision of political service in pursuit of specific ends,"observes Beinart, "the rhetoric of idealism allows Rhodes scholars to justify and celebrate political service per se. Idealism masks an ideological vacuum."
On the pernicious potential of misdirected idealism Bienart scores some important points. However, it is not idealism per se, but a particular kind of idealism, of which Rhodies are typically imbued, that is the problem under consideration here. And it is certainly not an idealism proceeding from an "ideological vacuum." If that were the case, we would expect to see idealism manifested and expressed in a diversity of shapes and forms, as for instance: Christian idealism versus humanist/pagan/atheist idealism, individualist versus collectivist idealism, libertarian versus totalitarian idealism, nationalist versus globalist idealism, etc.
The Oxonian idealism, however, seems to run almost invariably along the humanist/pagan/atheist, collectivist, totalitarian, globalist, elitist lines. Perhaps Beinart's peers do not explicitly subscribe to such a nasty idealism, but, apparently, it is implicit - at least in the formative stages - in their collective world view, and it is this which makes him "uneasy."As he says, they have a passionate "commitment to government," but, "above all, they believe "in themselves" in government." Which is exactly the kind of "idealism" British empire builder Cecil John Rhodes intended to foster when he established the Rhodes scholarships at the turn of the century.
We have written previously about the baleful effects of Rhodes' bequest("A 'Rhodie' in the White House," New American, 1/25/93). However, since the accession of Bill Clinton to the Oval Office, the Oxford influence in the Executive branch of the federal government has attained unprecedented heights. As Rhodes scholar Robert Rotberg noted in the Christian Science Monitor for December 7, 1992, the Clinton Presidency "fulfills Rhodes' deepest aspiration." Rotberg, author of The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power, wrote in his Monitor piece that "Rhodes believed that he had discovered an idea that could lead 'to the cessation of all wars and one language throughout the world.' Rhodes also specified fairly clearly the kinds of men who should receive the opportunity to go to Oxford. He had Clinton in mind" - an admission which, by itself, should severely diminish the prestige of the esteemed academic honors. Rhodes' men, said Rotberg,were a special breed: reprinted in The Rhodes Legacy.
The secret society of which Rhodes spoke was launched, notes Blumenfeld,on February 5, 1891. Forming the executive committee of this society were Rhodes, Stead, Lord Esher, and Alfred Milner. Below them was a "Circle of Initiates" comprised of Lord Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, Lord Grey, and other scions of Britain's financial and aristocratic elite.According to Professor Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, "The scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or more accurately, they were to be one of the instuments by which the members of the secret society could carry out his purpose." "The Rhodes Scholarships," Blumenfeld writes, "as outlined in Rhodes' will, became the main instrument whereby the most promising young people throughout the English-speaking world could be recruited to serve an idea that Rhodes thought would take 200 years to fulfill." And, says Blumenfeld: "Obviously, the way the secret society would recruit its future leaders from among the Rhodes scholars was to dangle before them the prospects of future advancement in whatever field they chose to pursue, be it education, politics, government, foundation work, finance, journalism, etc. Thus, if you understood the implicit message being given to you by your sponsors you might one day become president of Harvard, President of the United States, a Supreme Court Judge, a US senator, or president of the Carnegie Foundation. The road to fame and fortune was open as long as you played the game and obeyed the rules. The Association of American Rhodes Scholars has an alumni membership of about 1,600. They have become leading figures in the new ruling elite in America."
For gaining as appreciation of just how influential the "leading figures"in this ruling elite have been, and are today, Dr. Cuddy's 50-page booklet, Secret Records Revealed, is of immense value. Utlilizing the chronological format he has used in some of his previous studies, Cuddy begins with the year 1890 and traces the perfidious Rhodes influence to the present, outlining not only the "contributions" of Rhodes scholars, but those as well of prominent members in Rhodes' other fronts such as the Council on Foreign Relations.
The impact of this elect (but in most cases unelected) coterie has been nothing less than incredible. A roll call of the famous Rhodies who have advanced the founder's scheme reads like a Who's Who of American finance,business, academe, journalism, and politics: Whitney Shepardson, John K.Fairbank, Lester Thurow, Erwin D. Canham, Stringfellow Barr, Nicholas Katzenbach, Howard K. Smith, Harlan Cleveland, Carl Albert, J. William Fulbright, Dean Rusk, Hedley Donovan, Walt Rostow, Robert Roosa, Stansfield Turner, Richard Lugar, David Boren, Michael Kinsley, Daniel Boorstin, and many more. Among the more than 20 Rhodies in Clinton's retinue are Strobe Talbott, Robert Reich, James Woolsey, Ira Magaziner, George Stephanopoulos, Stephen Oxman, Sarah Sewall, Walter Slocombe, Joseph Nye, and Richard N.Gardner.
And what are the characteristics that the Rhodes scholarship selection committees were to look for in candidates and nurture in their scholars? According to Rhodes' own criteria, notes Cuddy, the traits most desired were (and are) "smugness, brutality, unctuous rectitude, and tact." Obviously, as Mr. Rotberg beamed above, Rhodes "had Clinton in mind." After all, his proteges were to be the "best men," the "best people," pursuing his vision of world government run by a socialist aristocratic elite. According to Rhodes' co-conspirator Stead, it was expected that by 1920 there would be"between two and three thousand men in the prime of life scattered a
Reprinted from THE NEW AMERICAN MAGAZINE February 20, 1995
Cecil Rhodes- The Rhodes Scholarships
Dedication. Courage. Vision. Ahh- the things we aspire to for ourselves and look for in our heroes and leaders. A study of Cecil Rhodes is an exercise in many things. One of them might be the way really good things can be perverted to the extreme.
He was a young man with a mission. The theft of an entire planet is no easy task. Fresh from the influences of imperialist Europe, Rhodes brought the fever of conquest to Afrika in a way equal in barbarity to anything ever seen on the planet. 440,656 square miles and over a thousand dead Afrikans later, in 1890, he stuck a flag into the heart of South Afrika and called the land Rhodesia, after himself.
His ultimate scheme was simple. TO COLONIZE THE ENTIRE WORLD. Rhodes wrote his "Confession of Faith" in 1877, very early in his life. In it, he stated his position in England and the rest of the globe. "I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the bietter it is for the human race." He looked at Afrika as a piece of real estate that was destined to be ruled by Britain. Rhodes was determined to bring the vast resources of the Motherland home and place them at the feet of the crown. A cornerstone of this mad plan was to control Afrika " from Cape to Cairo"; the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo, Egypt. A glance at the map will confirm this literally includes the whole continent. He was a huge player in the game of WHITE WORLD DOMINATION. It was Rhodes was at the beginnings of the Apartheid Era of South Afrika.
Cecil John Rhodes was born on July 5, 1853, at Bishop Straford in Hertfordshire, England. He lived there until leaving for Afrika in 1870 at age 17. His brothers, who'd preceded him there, welcomed him to the Black Continent. As an immigrant, he was entitled to a land grant of fifty acres and given five years to pay for it. The crop he chose was cotton. He reinvested the profits in the railroad, which was growing strong transporting the newly exploited diamonds and gold from raped Afrikan soil. Wealth fueled to his imagination and imperialistic nature. He began his lifetime quest for power and land because, "We know the size of the world and we know the total extent. Africa is still lying ready for us and it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honourable race the world possesses."[punctuation his]
In her classic account of this wickedly remarkable mans life, Sarah Gertrude Millin states, "In the end all that Rhodes can do towards extending British rule throughout the world and restoring Anglo-Saxon unity and founding a guardian power for the whole of humanity is to arrange for a number of young men from the United States, the British colonies, and Germany to go to Oxford.
"W.T. Stead, a confidant of Rhodes relates, "between two and three thousand men in the prime of life scattered all over the world, each one of whom would have had impressed upon his mind in the most susceptible period of his life the dream of the Founder.
"There were specific guidelines set. Areas of ability were carefully evaluated when selecting a recipient of the scholarship. There was a balance to the men Rhodes thought capable of implementing his plan and attaining his dream. Thirty percent for "literary and scholastic attainments." Twenty percent for "fondness of and success in manly outdoor sports such as cricket, football and the like." Thirty percent for "quality of manhood, truth, couracge, devotion to duty sympath for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness, and fellowship." Twenty percent for "exhibition during schooldays of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates." Just as Adolf Hitler would have failed his own test for the perfect Aryan due to his severe lack of blond hair and blue eyes, so would Rhodes have failed his; he was not scholarship material.
His was the dream of fathering, after death, a vast undercover machine to fulfill his lifelong ambition. In his Confession of Faith, As Rhodes talks about Anglo-Saxon control of the planet he writes, "Toward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such a object.
"At one point Lyndon Johnson was heard to say that he was the only member of Kennedy's administration with a degree from Southwest Texas State Teacher's College. A large majority of the rest were Rhodes scholars and thus Oxford graduates. They can be found in many levels of international government and business. One connection between President Bill Clinton and Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke is that they are both disciples of Rhodes.
Europeans, under the guise of educational advancement, have hidden a world-wide army of men with the ideology of Cecil Rhodes imbedded in their hearts and minds. Just like he planned. It is important to realize who is shaping the planet toward “progress without oppression.”
Scholars Work to That End
New York, July 14—Cecil John Rhodes the empire builder, held a lifelong burning ambition to bring about “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.” Today many American Rhodes scholars are working assiduously to make the dream of their imperial patron come true.
These American Rhodes scholars have been going to Oxford university for education and indoctrination in the British way of thinking since 1904. The Rhodes diamond and mining fortune foots the bills. Each year 32 leaders are carefully se1ected for the schooling abroad. Only two world wars temporarily halted the annual crop.
Rhodes cherished schemes for a world power federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His American scholars returning from England are the leaders in the drive to sink Uncle Sam deeper in the morass of the affairs of other countries.
Fulbrlght Gets Oxford Itch
By way of example, it was Sen. J. William Fulbright [D., Ark.], who as a young congressman itching with newly acquired Oxford ideas,. introduced the resolution proposing the creation of “international machinery” and the participation of the United States. That was in 1943. The United Nations, the “police action” in Korea with 78,000 American casualties and other events have followed.
It was another Rhodes scholar Robert Lee Humber, who promoted the first action by any legislative body declaring “that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations.” This was a resolution adopted by the North Carolina legislature in 1941. Humber had just returned to this country after 16 years in the oil business in Europe.
U. S. Surrenders to U. N.
Rhodes told intimates it might take a century for his “great dream” to be fulfilled. Less than half a century has passed. To an extent the decision reached by the American revolution has been reversed already, in the opinion of historical observers.
How are Rhodes’ American proteges throwing their weight around? More than a third of the living American scholars are in the educational field, mostly at Harvard and other eastern institutions. In their teaching and writing they pass along the views they soaked up from the Oxford Dons.
But in recent years the scholars have infiltrated the government in increasing numbers. They hold key positions, particularly in the vital foreign policy-making state department.
Active In Opinion Molding
Rhodes scholars also command posts in the United Nations and economic cooperatlon administration. The returnlng savants are active in the field of opinion molding with a large sprinkling among the eastern internationalist press, magazines, and radio.
An analysis of the American scholars by various occupations follows:
Teachers, professors, college and
preparatory school presidents......................................424
Judges........................................................................... 10
Federal government.................................................. 100
State and municipal posts......................................... 16
Armed forces............................................................ 21
Private business. Industrialists, research, etc. ......... 104
Finance and banking................................................ 33
News, radio, magazines, writers............................. 60
Doctors................................................................... 32
Churchmen............................................................. 20
Miscellaneous........................................................ 15
Students still at Oxford or graduate schools.......... 103
Unclassified or retired........................................... 76
Total.................................................................. 1,183 *
[Note: The total is off by one. This could be due to the difficulty in OCR and proofing the small numbers in a poor photocopy or it could have been an error in the original. -- The Transcriber]
Rhodes, the man who set this vast propaganda project in motion, was born in an English par-
sonage in 1853. Delicate health as a youth led him to Africa and the diamond fields of Kimberley where the sparklers laid the basis of his fortune. He returned to Oxford to resume his schooling.
Rhodes’ Sense of Destiny
Even as a student, Rhodes had a sense of destiny, of shaping history to suit his own tastes, and he outlined his views in a document called “Confession of Faith” at about the time he prepared his first will in 1877. He wrote:
“I have felt that at the present day we are actually limiting children and perhaps bringing into the world half the human beings we might owing to the lack of country for them to inhabit, that if we had retained America there would at the present moment be many millions more of English living. “I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race.”
The sentence could have been written by a Hitler or a Mussolini This remarkable document then went on to spell out more specifically the Rhodes overweening aims for world domination as follows:
“The extension of British rule thruout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy land, the valley of Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire. the consolidation of the whole empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the Imperial parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interest of humanity.”
Planned Secret Society
Rhodes penned seven wills, the originals of which repose today in the Rhodes house at Oxford. The first five contemplated the creation of a world-wide secret society to promote the British empire.
“In considering question suggested take constitution Jesuits if obtainable and insert ‘English Empire’ for ‘Roman Catholic religion,’” said a letter accompanying the second will.
The sixth will, dated 1893, made the first provision for scholarships. They were to be for “young colonists” in the furtherance of empire unity. American scholarships appeared in the final will, prepared in 1899 and made public in 1902 following Rhodes’ death.
Rhodes earmarked two scholarships for each American state and territory. At the time there were 45 states and five territories which would have meant 100 American scholarships and only 60 for the whole of the British empire.
Scholars Call it Oversight
“When Rhodes assigned his scholarships,” wrote Mrs. Sarah Gertrude Millin, in her biografy, “Rhodes,” “he believed there were still only the original 13 states in the union of America.”
Rhodes’ scholars indignantly deny this and claim it was only an oversight on the part of their patron. They say it was an oversight also that Rhodes made scholarship allocations to Quebec and Ontario but left out the other provinces of Canada. Trustees of the estate have rectified matters by awarding 32 scholarships annually in the United States of 100 and bringing in other Canadian provinces.
The South African despot and empire builder, advised of American public opinion, moderated his language in the final will from the bold declarations of his early “Confession of Faith.”
Departing from the early violent racism, Rhodes Inserted a clause [No. 24] in the seventh will stating that “no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a scholarship on account of his race or religious opinions.”
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, N. J., and American secretary to the Rhodes trustees since 1918, was asked how this worked out in practice. He replied that out of the 1,400 Americans selected as Rhodes scholars since 1904, one has been a Negro. He is Alain Locke, who went to the University of Pennsylvania before going to Oxford. Locke is now a professor of philosofy at Howard university, Washington, D. C.
Hoped to Absorb U. S.
Rhodes did not mention his hopes for absorbing the United States back into the British empire in his final will but there is evidence that he hoped that dream would be fulfilled. The evidence comes from Rhodes’ intimates. Sir Francis Wylie, first of the Oxford trustees of the Rhodes estate, let the cat out of the bag on this point in an article published by the American Oxonian, official publication of Rhodes scholars in this country, in January 1945. The English knight, now living in retirement at the age of 85 near Oxford university, said views coincided with those of Bouchier Francis Hawksley, Rhodes’ solicitor or lawyer. Wylie stated: “In January, 1904 Mr. Hawksley, sending his co-trustee a copy of a document by Rhodes [no doubt the 1877 ‘Confession of Faith’] said in a covering 1etter:
Aims at Political Bias
The Hawksley letter is preserved in the archives at Rhodes house, Oxford. Wylie was moved to comment, “Hawskley was right,” he said. “This is not an educational endowment as ordinarily understood. Its purpose is not to give anybody an education he could not otherwise afford; nor to promote learning; but to encourage in the rising generation of English-speaking people a particular outlook on the problems of the world—to give them, in fact, a political bias.
“This idea of using scholarships as instruments of a ’political‘ purpose had come to Rhodes seven years earlier, and had taken shape in the will of 1893 [ the one establishing scholarships for ‘Young colonists‘ ].”
Thus, from the mouths of two of Rhodes’ closest associates, it is confirmed that the prime purpose of establishing the scholarships was to further the dream revealed in the “Confession of Faith.” that embraced the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.”
The part played in this underground movement by individual American Rhodes scholars will be disclosed in subsequent articles.
Key Posts Held by Oxford Scholars
(Chicago Tribune. Press Service)
New York, July 15—Key positions in the United States department of state are held by a net work of American Rhodes scholars. Rhodes scholars are men who obtained supplemental education and indoctrination at Oxford university in England with the bills paid by the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. Rhodes wrote about his ambition to cause “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.” The late diamond and gold mining tycoon aimed at a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His intimates have admitted the scholarships were established for the primary purpose of instilling “political bias” rather than providing education.
32 Scholarship, a Year
Thirty-two scholarships have been awarded in this country every year, except in war times since 1904. The state department and its foreign service rolls are studded with a total of 34 Rhodes scholars, or two more than the annual production.
Rhodes’ proteges have exercised considerable influence in the foreign policies of this country within the last few years, particularly in the far east where diplomatic blunders led to the Korean debacle with its 78,000 American casualties—to date.
On the top echelon at the state department sit two savants who soaked up the British way of looking at the world at the foot of the Oxford dons. They are Assistant State Secretary Dean Rusk, in charge of far eastern affairs and Assistant State Secretary George C. McGhee, in charge of near eastern, south Asian, and African affairs.
Gets Too Hot
Rhodes scholars have had a throttlehold on the country’s policies toward the far east for two decades. Appointed in March of 1950, Rusk took the place of another Rhodes scholar, W. Walton Butterworth. Butterworth was an assistant state secretary until criticism got too hot and he was kicked upstairs to became ambassador to Sweden. It will be recalled the senate originally confirmed Butterworth’s appointment as assistant secretary for far eastern affairs only after four months of debate early in 1949. Sen. Styles Bridges [R., N. H.] told the senate approval of Butterworth would amount to an indorsement of “the complete failure of American diplomacy in China.”
Butterworth had been a principa1 assistant and adviser to Gen. George C. Marshall during his disastrous post-war mission to China which culminated in suggestions for including Communists in the national cabinet, and paved the way to complete Red conquest of the Chinese mainland.
Before the war and during the entire period of strained relations between Japan and the United States another Rhodes scholar had charted the state department’s meandering course in the far east. He was Stanley K. Hornbeck. Hornbeck was chief of the division of far eastern affairs during the thirties and then became political adviser on the far east. He retired in 1945 after a brief fling at the post of ambassador to the Netherlands.
Admiral Meets Snub
Richardson told the committee during a hearing in 1945 that he found Hornbeck had more to say about the fleet than he did. The admiral had suggested the war vessels be returned from Hawaii to the west coast. President Roosevelt refused to follow this suggestion because he claimed their stay In Hawaii represented a “restraining influence” on Japanese aggression.
Alger Hiss, Roosevelt’s Yalta adviser who is now in federal prison serving out a sentence for perjury which involved his espionage activities, was assistant to Hornbeck from 1933 to 1944. Hornbeck testified as a character witness for Hiss during his trials. He admitted he heard Hiss described as a “fellow traveler” by William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to France, but upheld his integrity on the witness stand.
Assistant State Secretary McGhee is a sample of how chummy you can get in the rarified atmosphere of Oxford and topshell diplomacy. His dean and tutor at Oxford from 1934 on for three years was Sir Oliver Franks, now representing his Britannic majesty’s labor government as ambassador to the United States.
Appointed in 1943
McGhee was appointed to his post in the summer of 1949 after having served the state department as special representative to the near east on the Palestine refugee problem and as coördinator for the 400 million dollar aid to Greece and Turkey.
With the near east, south Asia and Africa falling within his sphere. McGhee has answerable to him 53 foreign service stations, of which 14 are embassies, and a vast territory embracing 700 million people. Britain has vital interests in the area.
McGhee, a millionaire oilman from Texas, recently journeyed to Iran to confer on the proposed nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian oil company.
List Other Rhodes Thinkers
Other important positions heldby Rhodes scholars in the state department are as follows:
‘Scholars’ Advance British Schemes
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 16—American Rhodes scholars, men who have received education and indoc- trination at Oxford university, England, are prominent in the affairs of the United Nations. The U. N. is an outgrowth of the schemes developed by the scho1ars patron, Cecil Rhodes, the British empire builder.
Rhodes dreamed of an Anglo-Saxon federation, with the British dominating, an organization powerful enough to police the world and preserve the peace. In his writings the diamond despot of South Africa showed he hoped the scholarships would promote his grandiose idea. Thirty-two American collegians go to Oxford each year under terms of Rhodes’ will.
Gross Oxford-Educated
Dean Rusk, assistant secretary of state, a Rhodes scholar and an obsequious Anglophile, headed the U. N. office in the department before he was placed in charge of far eastern affairs. Rusk, it will be recalled, went along with the British on their ill-fated Palestine trusteeship plan which would have nailed down bases and other military advantages for his Britannic majesty’s forces.
Ernest A. Gross, Oxford-educated and a former assistant secretary of state, is the deputy delegate from the United States to the U. N. He has been acting delegate an many occasions and is the real top man on the American mission as a result of Chief Delegate Warren Austin’s increasing inactivity due to advancing years.
Founder of A. V. C.
Another Oxford savant who is a big shot in the U. N. setup is Charles G. Bolte, special adviser to the American representative on the security council. Bolte holds the distinction of having been an Anglophile long before he became a Rhodes scholar. After his graduation from Dartmouth in 1941, he joined the British Royal Rifles and served under Field Marshal Montgomery in Africa.
Other Rhodes scholars active in the U. N. include the following:
C. B. Wicart, chief of the tax section of the bureau of finance. It was Wicart who obtained exemption for the U. N. from retail sales taxes, hotel occupancy taxes, and other levies in New York City.
S. M. Keeney, far eastern director of the U. N. international children’s emergency fund. He formerly was director of the Italian program for the United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration.
Marshall J. Wolfe, department of social affairs of the U. N.
Walter A. Chudson, department of economic affairs of the U. N.
James R. Fowler, bureau for United Nations affairs, office of dependent area affairs, state department.
D. M. French, bureau of United Nations affairs, state department.
Others Prominent in U. N.
Rhodes scholars from British dominions also are prominent in the U.N. J. King Gordon, a Canadian, is with the U. N. division of human rights here in New York, I. E. Berendsen, a New Zealander, is political affairs officer for the U. N.. trusteeship division. A. M. Acock, a South African, is with the U. N. food and agricultural organization.
In his 1893 will Rhodes established scholarships for “young colonials“ with the expressed wish they would serve to knit the empire more closely together. Not until his last will in 1899 did he make provision for Americans and Germans. The German scholarships have not been resumed since the war.
According to intimates, Rhodes aimed at instilling “political bias” into the students who came to Oxford thru the courtesy of his fortune. His friends said his life long dream was set forth in his “Confession of Faith.” Drawn up in 1877, this curious document carried the seeds of the U. N. and other globalist schemes.
Seeks to “Recover” U. S.
Rhodes outlined his plan as follows:
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the institute for advanced study at Princeton and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees, discussed this point in his book, “The American Rhodes Scholarships, a Review of the First Forty Years.”
“Important in his plan is recovery of the United States, not as a subject people but as a free member of a federated empire.” Dr. Aydelotte wrote. “His views look beyond the expansion of the British empire and the recovery of America to the government of the whole world and the establishment of enduring peace.”
Ready to Shed Blood
Rhodes, a tyrant and dictator in the Cape colony as well as other parts of South Africa, showed by his acts that his definition of establishing “peace” was the enforcement of British rule over other peoples. He was not averse to shedding blood in order to get his kind of “peace.”
For his part in the conspiracy, Rhodes was condemned by both the Cape and imperial parliaments.
Besides fathering the world federation or U. N. idea, Rhodes also was a champion of “human rights” for political reasons. His final will declared that no prospective scholar be qualified or disqualified for racial reasons.
At the same time while he reigned supreme in the Cape colony, however, Rhodes imposed property qualifications and other restrictive devices to prevent the predominantly black population from voting.
New York, July 17—.”Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” the popular song goes, and diamonds also are a Rhodes scholar’s best friend. Approximately 1,.400 Americans have gone to Oxford university, England, since 1904 with the way paid from the estate of Cecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and British empire builder.
Today numerous Rhodes scholars are in a position to repay their educational benefactor in dollars for the sparklers dug up on their behalf from the diamond lands seized by the British in South Africa during the last century.
Rhodes scholars dominate the United States department of state, which directs the doling out of billions in foreign aid, with the United Kingdom getting the major share. The savants also hold down important positions in the economic cooperation administration, mutual defense assistance program, and other foreign handout setups.
Parallels Rhodes Ambitions
This is all in keeping with Rhodes’ overweening ambitions for a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons for the purpose of enforcing peace and the status quo. He also aimed at “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.”
With the Oxford-indoctrinated Rhodes scholars holding key positions in the Washington administration, Britain obtained 31 billion dollars from Uncle Sam in the form of ‘lend-lease” outlays during the war. ‘That was followed by the 3-3/4 billion dollar “gift loan” to Britain in 1946.
During the first three years of the Marshall plan ECA largesse the United Kingdom received 2 billion 706 million dollars, by far the largest allotment. A bill providing 8? billion dollars far the military and economic aid program abroad is pending before congress.
Rhodes Scholar In Charge
Currently the mutual defense assistance program is being carried out with an appropriation of a billion dollars. It is not surprising to observers to find a Rhodes scholar in charge of divvying up the billion dollars’ worth of military aid to western Europe. He is Lt. Col. Charles H. Bonesteel III.
Bonesteel is executive director of the European coordinating committee for the mutual defense assistance program, the MDAP in alphabetical nomenclature. The colonel makes his office in London, not far from his old Oxford haunts.
He was graduated from the United States military academy at West Point in 1931 and from Oxford in 1934. He then was in the regular army as an engineer and went to England in 1941 as an observer for the engineering board. Bonesteel was an operations officer in the Normandy invasion, later serving on the staffs of Gen. Bradley and Marshal Montgomery.
After the war, Bonesteel representcd the war department at several international conferences and was lent for a time to the state department planning staff.
On Col. Bonesteel’s staff in London is another Rhodes scholar, H. L. Merillat. Another American Rhodes scholar who has settled down In England for a stretch is H. S. Arms, assistant director at the division of atomic energy.
The ECA, principal doler-outer of funds after the British gift loan was dissipated ahead of schedule and the forerunner of the MDAP, has several Rhodes scholars holding key posts.
ECA Deputy on List
They Include the following:
Harlan Cleveland, deputy assistant program administrator for the ECA, with offices in Washington. He formerly was director of the ECA’s China program and chief at the United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration mission to China. Beforr that he was deputy director of the UNRRA mission to Italy.
John M. Cassels, director of research for the ECA mission with offices at the American embassy in London. A former professor of the graduate school of public administration at Harvard, Cassels was vice chairman of the combined working party on European food supplies during the war. Afterward he became an economist for the United States department of commerce.
Lincoln Gordon, professor of governmnent and administration, Harvard Business school, and director of the program, review, and recovery division, office of special representative of the ECA in Paris. During the war he was vice chairman of the war production board. Later he joined the staff at the United States atomic energy delegation at the U. N.
Wilfred Martin Kluss, overseas development office at the ECA in Paris and special adviser to W. Averell Harriman, in turn is special adviser to President Truman Kluss is associated with Morgan Stanley & Co., investment bankers in New York.
B. E. L. Timmons, deputy director of the ECA mission to France. Last year he was acting head.
A. B. Daspit, office of ECA representative in Europe, located in Paris.
Felix I. Shafner, chief economist for the ECA in Washington and chief of the liaison branch of the national advisory council on international monetary and financial problems.
S. J. Hyning Jr., ECA offices in Washington.
Rhodes’ proteges also are spotted, in the occupation setups Germany. R. L. Guthrie, a Rhodes scholar, is presiding judge of the United States courts for the allied high commission of Germany. The chief of the legislation division, office of general counsel for the high commissioner, is N. H. Mitchell, also a scholar.
Rhodes, empire builder and South African despot, left provision for American scholarships at Oxford university, England, in his seventh and final will in 1899. Fourteen hundred American campus “leaders” have been educated and indoctrinated at the jolly old English Institution since 1904 and are currently being turned out at the rate of 32 annually.
World Domination Sought
Thruout his life, Rhodes had a burning desire to restore the United States to the British empire in the form of an Anglo-Saxon federation that would dominate the world.
He wanted his annual crop of posthumous proteges all to be leaders who would come back and preach the gospel as they learned it at his old alma mater, Oxford.
Today the scholars are sprinkled around in virtually every branch of the government. On the legislative side, Sen. Fulbright [D., Ark.] is a prime plugger for involvement of the United States in “international machinery.” Rhodes savants dominate the state department, the economic cooperation administration, the mutual defense assistance program, the United Nations, and other foreign handout agencies.
Publication Lists “Scholars”
The names of Rhodes scholars who have nailed down jobs in the state department and the handout agencies already have been revealed in this series of articles. A listing of the most prominent 20 scholars in other branches, as compiled from the October, 1950, American Oxonian, the official publlcation of the group in this country, follows:
Samuel Adams, director of personnel, bureau of the budget, executive office of the President.
Carl B. Albert, Democratic member congress from Oklahoma.
Dana K. Bailey, physicist, central radio propagations laboratory, national bureau of standards.
J. D. Burrus Jr., executive office of the President, bureau of budget.
C. L. Burwell, special assistant to assistant secretary of navy for air.
Albert G. Cornsweet, chief clinical psychologist, mental hygiene clinic, veterans administration.
B. M. Davis, senior surgeon, United States public health service.
C. D. Edward, director, bureau of industrial economics.
Grady C. Frank, office, chief of staff, department of the army.
E. S. Griffith, director of the legislative reference service, library of congress.
Robert Hale, Republican member of congress from Maine.
G. K. Hartmann, chief, explosives research department, naval ordnance laboratory.
Philip M. Kaiser, assistant secretary of labor.
J. Burke Knapp Jr., assistant director, economic department, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
J. H. Macomber Jr., associate general counsel, general services administration.
C. D. Mahaffie, member interstate commerce commission.
E. K. McClaskey, principal field examiner, national labor relations board
James McCormack Jr., brigadier general, United States army, director of military application, United States atomic energy commission
Karl B. Price, assistant general counsel, treasury department
Eugene Sunderlin, scientific director, office of naval research, London.
“Leadership” Is Stressed
While Rhodes directed his scholars should be selected with an eye to a nice balance of scholastic ability, character, and aptitude for athletic sports, he stressed above all the “leadership” requirement.
During the preparation of his last will, Rhodes wrote a letter to his solicitor or lawyer, Bouchier Francis Hawksley of Madeira. in which he discussed this qualification as follows:
“In awarding the scholarships, great consideration shall be given to those who have shown during school days that they have instincts to lead and take an interest in their schoolmates, which attributes will be likely in after life to guide them to esteem the performance of public duties as their highest aim.”
Of his designs on the indoctrination of the scholars to be chosen from the colonies [now dominions],
Rhodes said in his final will:
Rhodes started in 1877 with the idea of leaving his wealth, obtained in the exploitation of South African diamond lands and from other sources, for the creation of a secret society. This society would extend British rule thruout the world. The idea persisted thru the first five wills, and the American scholarships did not materialize until the last one.
Log-Rolling Employed
In this country Rhodes’ men banded together in a tight organization called the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. It is not a secret society, but many of the scholars are working so fervidly to carry out the dreams of their educational benefactor that the ultimate goal is the same.
From 1904 to 1917, when World War I halted the migration across the seas to Oxford, scholars were selected by college and university presidents in the various states. The result was a lot of log-rolling, with one school getting a scholar one year and throwing the plum to another school the next.
Therefore, in 1919 committees of selection composed of .American Rhodes scholars were formed. These committees have picked the scholars ever since, making the association a closed, self-perpetuating fraternity.
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the institute for advanced study at Princeton, N. J., and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees, attaches “great importance” to this system.
“The result has been to unify the whole body of Rhodes scholars in a natural way, without recourse to the artificial get - together schemes commonly used by alumni secretaries of American universities, which rarely appeal to the ablest or busiest men,” Dr .Aydelotte wrote somewhat snobbishly in his book. “The American Rhodes Scholarships.”
“It meant, furthermore, that older men were often able to assist their young proteges, just back from Oxford, in finding suitable posts in the United States.”
Up-to the end of World War II, the trend of the scholars was to go into education. More than a third of the total output became teachers, professors, educational administrators, and college presidents. Now the trend is toward government jobs, or public life, as Rhodes willed it.
Peddle Propaganda for ‘One World’
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
The American scholars obtain their education abroad thru terms of the will left by the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and South African despot. Rhodes aimed at the return of the United States to the British empire and a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. He hoped his scholars would be instilled with “political bias” toward these ends, according to his intimate friends.
Previous articles in this series have disclosed that many of the 1,185 living American Rhodes scholars have obtained key positions in the state department, the United Nations, the economic cooperation administration, the mutual defense assistance program, and other government agencies where they have worked toward fulfilment of the schemes of their imperial patron.
Active in Global Groups
Scholars outside the government are engaged assiduoualy in promoting public opinion and building up political pressure for modern day variations of the Rhodes grandiose scheme. A survey of 10 globalist groups reveals the activities of Rhodes’ posthumous proteges as follows:
1. Federal Union, Inc., Clarence Streit, former correspondent for the New York Times at the ill-fated league of nations and author of Union Now, is president of this outfit. Federal Union says it is purely an “educational and research” organization, thereby escaping taxes. The objective is a world government of “matured democracies” federated along the lines of the United States constitution.
2. Atlantic Union Committee, tax paying offshoot of the Federal Union. This is the “political action” group which sponsored the recent congressional resolution asking President Truman to invite the North Atlantic treaty countries to meet this year “with deligates of the United States in a federal convention to explore how far their peoples, and the peoples of such other democracies as the convention may invite to send delegates, can apply among them, within the framework of the U. N., the principles of free federal union.
Scholars on Council
Streit is a member of the A. U. C. board of governors. Other Rhodes scholars on the A. U. C. council include Frank Aydelotte, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees: William Yandell Elliott, professor of government at Harvard, and John W. Nason, president of Swarthmore college.
3. Foundation for World Government. Rhodes Scholar Stringfellow Barr is the president and another Rhodes savant, Scott Buchanan, is the secretary. Barr is the author of Let’s Join the Human Race, described as a study of world peace, and The Pilgrimage of Western Man, which is subtitled His Search for One World from 1500 to Armistice II.
The financial angel for the foundation is Mrs. Anita McCormick Blaine of Chicago. She put up a millIon dollars in 1948, saying Henry Wallace, Progressive party candidate for president, was “deeply interested” in the foundation and “his philosofy and that of the foundation are similar.”
4. United World Federalists, Inc. Vernon Nash, a Rhodes scholar, is program vice president. Another scholar, G. C. Holt, editor of The Democrat, publication of the Democratic party of Connecticut, is a member of the national executive council of the U. W. F. Still another Rhodes education ward, Robert Lee Humber, is on the national advisory board.
Humber promoted the first action by a legislative body toward world government by pushing thru the North Carolina legislature in 1941 a resolution declaring “that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations.” The U. W. F. has succeeded in getting other legislatures to adopt the doctrine, but several have repented and repealed the action.
When the Maine senate voted to rescind its previous support of the world federalist movement, Cleveland Sleeper Jr., Republican state senator, said the U. W. F. has been found to be “Non-American, Communist in tone, and directly opposed to anything we call American.” The charge of a communist taint arose when the federalists refused to entertain a program of building an organization that could function without the soviet union.
Gets Ford Funds
5. Pubic Administration Clearing House, Don K. Price Jr., a Rhodes scholar, is listed in the official directory of the scholars as associate director of the P. A. C. H. at the transportation building, Washington, D. C., and 1313 E. 50th st., Chicago.
The P. A. C. H. is a privately endowed group organized to “untangle snarls in international relations.” Drawing a grant of $500,000 from the Ford Foundation, the clearing house recently established headquarters in New York because “this city has become the best spot in the world to operate in the realm of foreign affairs.” Quite appropriately, the new offices are on the second floor of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.
6. Woodrow Wilson Foundation, New York City. The foundation, formed in 1922 “in recognition of the national international services of Woodrow Wilson and to promote valuable service to public welfare, liberal thought, and peace thru justice,” turned over its memorial library to the U. N.
Harvard Man Heads Study
Clyde Eagleton, a Rhodes scholar, professor of international law, director of program of graduate studies in U. N. and world affairs, New York university, is a director of the foundation and also a member of its literary committee. Another Rhodes scholar, Prof. Elliott of Harvard, was placed in charge of a new study for promoting global thinking recently. This research project searches into:
“The problem of how the structure and practices of our government might be improved to permit the full and effective discharge of American responsibilities and obligations in interrelated domestic and international affairs and the stimulation of popular thinking along these lines.”
7. Council on Foreign Relation. This is a highbrow group of globalists in New York. Whitney H. Shepardson, a Rhodes scholar, is a director.
Hiss on Roster
It might be pointed out the council’s membership roster includes: State Secretary Acheson, not a Rhodes scholar but a well known Anglophile; Prof. Owen Lattimore of Johns Hopkins, who was accused in the senate as one of the chief promulgators of the state department’s procommunist policy in China, and Alger Hiss. Hiss, adviser to the late President Roosevelt at the Yalta conference, is serving five years in a federal penitentiary for perjury in a case involving spying for the Russians.
By-laws for the council on foreign relations limit membership to 600 living within 50 miles of the New York city hall and 500 nonresident members outside this charmed area. The residents pay $125 a year. Nonresidents pay $30. There also are $25 memberships for professors, writers, and newspaper men.
British Provide Speakers
8. Foreign Poilcy association. The F. P. A. is one of the most powerful propaganda organizations in the country. Thru its interlocking groups, speakers are provided by the British information service and state department to disseminate the Roosevelt-Truman foreign policy in all parts of the United States. Prof. Eagleton is a director, and many of his scholar colleagues assist in the nation-wide network
9. United Nations association. According to Dr. Aydelotte, the Rhodes secretary in this country, the scholars have taken a “prominent part in the work” of this association.
10. Union for Democratic Action. This originally was a splinter group formed from the progressive citizens of America, the Henry Wallace organization, because the latter permitted Communists to remain within its ranks. The U. D. A. is a radical organization created with avowed purpose of carrying on the ideals of the late President Roosevelt. That the U. D. A. decided to go global is shown by the fact that it has a European director in the person of one David C. Williams, an American Rhodes scholar, according to the official register.
Tells How Schemes Advance
Dr. Aydelotte, in his book, the American Rhodes Scholarships—a Review of the First Forty Years, discussed the influence of Rhodes scholars and how the empire builder’s dreams were being carried out.
“Rhodes’ plan was as broad and as daring as the spirit of the university which he chose for its center,” wrote Dr. Aydelotte. “He founded his scholarships in the faith that if men of the type he wanted were brought together in such a place they would think about these problems of international government, and discuss them, and in their after careers be a force toward bringing about some better plan of peace and order in the relations between the nations, and that this plan would have as its basis the Anglo-Saxon conceptions of justice and liberty and peace.”
South Africans Suppressed
Dr. Aydelotta did not dwell on the point, but other historians have noted how Rhodes’ idea “justice and liberty and peace” was one of suppressing the various peoples of South Africa, where his diamond properties lay, and placing them under the British yoke.
There should not be any “organized political action” by Rhodes scholars, according to Dr. Aydelotte. He added, however, that altho there was no statistical account of their joint effort in fostering Rhodes’ ideas, the “sum total is important.”
Dole Out Cash for One WorldersBY WILLTAM FULTON
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Higher echelon offices in Carnegie, Rockefeller and other privately-endowed foundations are held by Rhodes scholars. This is in keeping with the aims of the late Cecil Rhodes. British empire builder. He left his fortune for the conversion of scholars who would promote his dream of an Anglo-Saxon federation to dominate the world, in this way Rhodes hoped to return the United States to the empire.
So far the Rhodes will has underwritten the education and indoctrination of 1,400 Americans at the English university since 1904. The annual output is 32. They have fastened onto key positions in the state department and other governmental agencies, just as Rhodes hoped it would happen.
Funds Further U. N.
Both the Carnegie and Rockefeller institutions have contributed heavily toward “international” studies to further the United Nations and other supra-governmental plans designed at chipping away American sovereignty. They have also financed organizations and students which according to congressional sources, smack of communism, in itself a form of internationalism.
The foundations have been big moneybags for globalist propaganda thru the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, World Peace Foundation, Foreign Policy Association Council on Foreign Relations, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Former president for the last-named, it will be recalled, was Alger Hiss, the state department adviser for Roosevelt at the Yalta conference. Hiss is now serving sentence in a federal prison for perjury involving war time espionage for the Russians.
Two Carnegie top executives are Rhodes scholars. They are Whitney H. Shepardson, director of the Carnegie Corporation British and Colonies fund, and 0. C. Carmichael, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Assistant to Col. House
Shepardson was secretary of the league of nations committee and assistant to Col. E. M. House at the 1918 peace conference. During the first World war Carmichael disclosed his anglophilic sympathies by serving with the British army in India and became an honorary captain in his Britannic majesty’s East African forces.
An example of how Rhodes men stick together was furnished recently by the $800,000 Carnegie corporation grant to Harvard university for the Russian research center. Largest and most extensive research setup of its kind in the western world, the center is directed by a Rhodes scholar, C. K. M. Kluckhohn.
Carnegie corporation also started the new department of Russian civilization at Darthmouth college this year with a $50,000 gift. The foundation contributes toward Russian study programs at Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore colleges. Swarthmore’s president, John W. Nason, is a Rhodes scholar.
Carnegie-British Born
From the start the huge Carnegie corporation—with assets today valued at 173 million dollars—had a pro-British tinge. Andrew Carnegie, British-born steel magnate, left funds “for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States and of the British dominions and colonies.” His ideas paralleled those of Cecil Rhodes.
Rockefeller Foundation, with book assets of 153 million dollars, is studded with men who went to Oxford by courtesy of the diamond fortune left by the South African despot. Among the Rhodes scholars passing out Rockefeller money are the following:
A. W. Packard, executive assistant to John D. Rockefeller Jr., in matters of philanthropy, and director of Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.
E. F. D’Arms, associate director for the humanities, Rockefeller Foundation.
Chadbourne Gilpatric, assistant director, the humanities, Rockefeller Foundation.
J. L. Hydrick, member of the staff of the international health division of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Rusk Member of Board
D. P. C. Lloyd, member Rockefeller Institute for medical research.
Assistant United States Secretary Dean Rusk, a member of the board of trustees.
Henry Allen Moe, a Rockefeller trustee and member of the executive Committee.
Dean A. Clark, M. D., member of the board of scientific consultants, international health division, Rockefeller Foundation.
Rockefeller Foundation achieved notoriety last year by giving grants of $60,000 and $50,000 respectively to the American Institute of Pacific Relations and the Pacific Council of the IPR. The outlay was made primarily for an international conference at Lucknow, India, in October of last year. The conclave turned into a sounding board for anti-Americanism.
The institute was formerly headed by Prof. Owen Lattimore, Johns Hopkins professor of international relations who was accused of being the “top soviet agent” in the country by Sen. Joseph P.. McCarthy [R., Wis.].
Study Files of IPR
Lattimore hotly denied the accusation. A senate judiciary sub-committee is studying files of the IPR taken during a raid on a barn near Lee, Mass. In addition to Rockefeller Foundation, one of the contributors to the IPR was Frederick Vanderbilt Field, millionaire agent for the Red Chinese in this country and bond fund raiser for indicted communist leaders.
On the IPR board of directors is a prominent Rhodes scholar, John K. Fairbank, professor of history at Harvard university. Fairbank has racked up a record as one of Lattiinore’s chief apologists.
According to the IPR’s own published figures, it received from 1925 thru 1950 a total net income of $2,536,000, of whIch 50 percent was furnished from foundations, chiefly Rockefeller, Carnegie and Carnegie Endowment.
Rhodes scholar Moe not only serves as trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation but also doubles in brass as secretary general of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Parsons a Kingpin
Another Rhodes scholar who figures as the kingpin of a foundation of a difierent sort is Critchell Parsons, wealthy oilman from Dallas, Tex. Parsons is vice president and a trustee of the China International Foundation. The foundation has an interesting history which government investigators are still trying to piece together.
China International Foundation holds the stock of the United Tanker corporation. Col. Arthur G. Syran, head of the economic cooperation administration’s transportation division, stated on April 2 of this year in Washington that two of the tankers owned by United had been involved in the profitable surplus ship deal engineered by former congressman Joseph E. Casey [a deal investigated by the Reconstruction Finance corporation] and that they had also carried oil to communist China and to Russia in 1949.
Morris Heads Foundation
Newbold Morris, New York lawyer and unsuccessful candidate for mayor in the last election, is president of the China International Foundation. He denied allegations of any illegality about the tankers and destiny of their cargoes. He claimed proceeds were aiding Chinese students stranded in this country, as well as Americans studying Chinese subjects.
China International Foundation, like Carnegie and Rockefeller, is allowed to carry on global operations and propaganda, in the furtherance of Cecil Rhodes’ aims, but without having to pay taxes. That means it is another “non-profit, charitable organization.”
Aid British, Global Propaganda
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York. July 21—The picture of the American Rhodes scholars network in the United States—a rabid movement toward internationalism—is completed and glued together by their numbers in the field of molding public opinion. They are highly influential in the eastern press, magazines and radio chains.
Rhodes scholars in this country represent 32 campus leaders carefully selected each year to go to Oxford university, England. for supplemental schooling. Their patron, the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and diamond tycoon, aimed at instilling in his proteges “political bias” rather than education, according to his intimates.
This bias, as revealed by the Rhodes seven wills and writings, was to recover the United States for the British empire in the form of an Anglo-Saxon federation. The federation would be powerful enough to dominate the world and enforce the “peace.”
Time Follows Rhodes’ Line
Closely following the Rhodes’ line of propaganda is the Time, Inc., magazine group headed by Henry Luce. Luce was not a Rhodes scholar but he did spend a year at Oxford where he sponged up some of the imperialistic doctrines carried later in his rnagazines. Several of his top brass editors have been Rhodes scholars.
From the start Luce followed the Anglophile trail, whooping it up for American intervention in war when the British were in trouble and damning pro-Americans as “isolationists.” He is a charter member of the “Eisenhower-for-President” cult, favors entrapment of Republicans by Truman’s so-called bipartisan foreign policy, and the Marshall plan, which has paid off his magazines.
In addition to pushing the British concept of policing the world with American soldiers and economic aid, the Luce publications have been infiltrated by another form of globalism. Whittaker Chambers, devotee of world communism and confessed courier for a soviet spy ring, was a senior editor [$30,000 a year] for Time magazine. Chambers informed on Alger Hiss, Roosevelt adviser at Yalta. Hiss is now in a federal penitentiary for perjury in a case involving soviet espionage.
Rhodes Men on N. Y. Times
The New York Times, which has been pro-British since the First World war, also has its share of Rhodes scholars on the staff. An interesting footnote in journalistic history is that at the time Rhodes’ final will was published in 1902, the New York Times condemned the idea of American scholarship.
“Why should an American youth go to Oxford when he can get a better education at home in respect of those attainments which chiefly make for national greatness?” inquired the Times in 1902.
The New York paper also declared American newspapers were emancipated from the “sterile classicism” of Oxford and Cambridge in England. Times have changed editorially on the Times.
Rhodes scholars are also found on the New York Herald Tribune. This paper has been a fawning pro-British organ ever since its one-time publisher, Whitelaw Reid, became ambassador to the Court of St. James in London. The family later acquired in-laws in the British nobility.
Smear Artist on P-D
Altho the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is not geograflcally an eastern newspaper, it is following the eastern internationalist line without deviation. One of the Rhodes scholars on the Post-Dispatch is Robert Lasch, former smear artist for a Chicago paper.
In the radio medium one of the principal apologists for the New Deal and its blunders in foreign policy is Elmer Davis a Rhodes scholar and left wing commentator. In 1943 he was placed at the head of the office of war information. The OWl was constantly criticized in congress as a communist ridden agency which deliberately misinformed people for propaganda purposes. Most of the 125 millIon dollars of taxpayers’ money spent by Davis’ OWl on pamphlets, films and broadcasts went toward adnauseam glorification of Roosevelt. The agency also publicized Henry A. Wallace’s statement that “the People’s Revolution is on the March.”
The American Oxonian, publication of the Rhodes scholars in this country, lists 22 savants who went to Oxford with the bills paid by the British empire builder and who are now prominent in magazines, newspapers and radio.
Welles, Lindley on Roster
The roster Includes:
Luce Publications — Samuel G. Welles, associate editor, Time; C. T. Solberg, contributing editor, Time; H. B. Hering, on Time New York staff: and Hedley W. Donovan, associate director Fortune magazine.
Newsweek—Ernest K. Llndley, chief Washington bureau, also political commentator for Des Moines Register and Tribune syndicate via radio.
Saturday Evening Post—Beverly Smith, Washington editor.
Kiplinger magazine, Washington — H. L. Brown Jr., managing editor.
New York Times—Thomas J. Hamilton Jr., chief of United Nations bureau and successor to Clarence Streit, Rhodes scholar, president of Federal Union, Inc., a globalist outfit, who covered League of Nations for same paper; Robert Aura Smith, editorial staff; John B. Oaken, editorial board; W. F. Fowle, foreign correspondent.
List Monitor Editor
Christian Science Monitor — E. D. Canham, editor, and Donovan Richardson, chief editorial writer.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch—R. P. Brandt, head at Washington bureau, and Robert Lasch, editorial writer.
Baltimore Sun—F. W. Beirne, associate editor.
American Broadcasting company Elmer Davis, news ana]yst.
Columbia Broadcasting company Howard K. Smith Jr., European director, and Charles C. Collingwood, White House correspondent and news analyst.
Rhodes scholars in the public opinion field constitute a faithful claque for their colleagues in the government, primarily the state department which they dominate. With this tie-in, they are attempting to bring about the fulfilment of the lifelong ambitions held by their educational benefactor, Cecil John Rhodes.
Exert Influence on United StatesBY EUGENE GRIFFIN
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
OTTAWA, July 22 — scholars and other British educated Canadians are in a unique position to serve Britain thru Canada’s influence on Washington as a next door neighbor of the United States.
Canada acts as a connecting link between England and the United States, helping to hold the neighboring republic in line with the dominion’s mother country. The linch pin role has been easy for Canada with Dean Acheson, son of a Canadian mother and an English father, serving as American secretary of state.
When Gen. MacArthur displeased Britain and Canada by his efforts to win the Korean war, Canada’s Oxford educated minister for external affairs, Lester B. Pearson, complained that American-Canadian relations had become “difficult and delicate.” Mac Arthur was fired the next day.
Twenty-three on Pearson’s Staff
Pearson’s foreign office staff is packed with Rhodes scholars. There are 23 among 183 staff officers, or one out of every eight, who were educated at Oxford university, England, on scholarships created by Cecil Rhodes, empire builder and diamond mogul who wanted the United States taken back into Britain’s fold.
Other Canadian foreign office members also were educated in England, altho not as Rhodes scholars. Pearson went to Oxford [St. John’s, 1922] on a Massey scholarship, endowed by a Canadian millionaire.
Arnold D. P. Heeney [St. John’s, 1923], undersecretary of state, and Escott M. Reid [Christ Church, 1927], deputy undersecretary, who are Pearson’s principal advisers, are Rhodes scholars. The list of 23 Rhodes scholars in Pearson’s department includes only three French-Canadian names.
Hold Many High Offices
Canadians with an English education fill key positions in official contacts with the United States. They are at the top of the department of external affairs, sit on the department’s American desk in Ottawa, are in the Canadian embassy in Washington, in charge of Oxford educated Ambassador Hume Wrong, and are at the United Nations. Rhodes scholar Arnold C. Smith [Christ Church, 1935] is senior adviser to the Canadian delegation at the U. N.
John W. Pickersgill, leader of the Ottawa government’s palace guard, with the official title of special assistant to the prime minister, went to Oxford on a scholarship given by Canada’s Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire. Pickersgill is a political handyman, speech writer, and contact man for the prime minister, and wields immeasurable influence on Canada’s American relations.
He has been on loan to the prime minister from the department of external affairs since 1937. The Montreal Gazette recently recalled that Pickersgill once was considered “a little left of middle.”
399 Canadian Rhodes Scholars
Norman A. Robertson, a Rhodes scholar (Balliol, 1923]. sometimes called the most brilliant member of the British trained inner circle in the government’s East Block, headquarters of the prime minister and the foreign office, is another important figure in Canada’s relations with Britain and the United States.
He is clerk of the privy council and secretary to the cabinet, and has been undersecretary of state and high commissioner [ambassador] to Britain. He was in the same class at Oxford as Heeney, one year after Pearson.
Many of the 399 Canadian Rhodes scholars have moved to the United States, where 30 are professors or otherwise connected with education. In Canada, 33 work for the dominion government, in addition to the 21 in Pearson’s department; 11 have jobs with provincial governments, including one provincial premier; 72 are in educational work, 65 are practicing law, 28 are in business, and 16 are practicing medicine. Clarence S. Campbell of Montreal, president of the National Hockey league, is a Rhodes scholar [Lincoln, 1926].
High Socalists Included
Edward B. Jolliffe [Christ Church, 1931], leader of the Cooperative Commonwealth federation [Socialist party] in Ontario, where he is a member of the provincial legislature, a n d David Lewis [Lincoln, 1932], former national secretary of the CCF, are Rhodes scholars. With the Socialist party losing strength in Canada, Lewis recently resigned his party job to join Jolliffe’s law firm in Toronto.
George V. Ferguson [Christ Church, 1920], editor of the Montreal Star. and James B. McGeachy, associate editor of the Toronto Globe and Mail, are the only Rhodes scholars in Canadian journalism. The Montreal paper was founded by a man who was made a baron for his services to the British empire. It is noted today for its stodginess.
James Minifie, a Rhodes scholar from Saskatchewan [Oriel, 1923], writes regularly in the Montreal Star, an associated week-end paper, the Standard, and broadcasts over the Canadian government’s radio network as the Washington correspondent of the New York Herald Tribune.
Pearson’s department of external affairs controls the type of news that is broadcast over the Canadian radio’s international service thru Arthur L Pidgeon, another Rhodes scholar [New college. 1938], who has the title of “coordinator of policy.”
Canada sends 11 Rhodes scholars to Oxford each year, chosen, as in the United States, by a committee. Each province may send one scholar, except Prince Edward Island, which has none, and Ontario and Quebec, which may send two scholars per year.
The first scholarships were allotted in 1904, and Quebec’s French Canadians were suspicious of this form of British gift. The Catholic university, Laval in Quebec, waited a year before sending a scholar to Oxford in 1905, sent none in 1906, and then the school’s officials quietly offered the scholarship to Louis S. St. Laurent, Laval’s brightest student, who turned down the Rhodes scholarship to continue his study of law in Quebec. He now in Canada’s prime minister.
Back Rhodes’ Dream
Rhodes wanted America brought back into Britain’s empire and Canada’s Rhodes scholars today are among the Atlantic federation dreamers who want the United States to lose its sovereignty in a union with Canada, Britain, and other countries.
The Canadian senate, whose members are appointed by the government and who could not pass the time of day without the government’s approval, last year passed a resolution calling for an international convention to discuss plans for creation of a “federal union” of the Atlantic pact countries.
Prime Minister St. Laurent whose advisers are Rhodes scholars, expressed a hope in a speech last fall that the federation of Canadian provinces might be followed some day by a world-wide federation. Pearson has said that the North Atlantic alliance should be developed into a federation going beyond mere defense.
It may one day become a political commonwealth,” he has stated. In parliament, however, he has cautioned “one world” enthusiasts that they must not get too far in front of American public opinion.
”Political Bias” the Goal Rhodes scholars are men whose education at Oxford is financed thru payments from the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. These scholarships were established for the primary purpose of instilling “political bias” in young Americans in favor of a world federation involving surrender of American sovereignty.
In absorbing this philosofy, at least one Rhodes scholar, the record shows, did not hesitate to conceal evidence against a protégé, even tho such concealment permitted betrayal of American secrets to a foreign government.
One of the Rhodes scholars who penetrated the state department more than 20 years ago was Stanley K. Hornbeck, who became chief of the division of far eastern affairs and political affairs adviser, a top ranking policy post. Along with scores of other Rhodes scholars who infiltrated the state department, Hornbeck played a prominent part in formation of the program which resulted in the loss of China to the Communists.
Defended Hiss’ Character Hornbeck’s name has cropped up frequently in the present investigation of the McCarran committee on internal security which is disclosing a close working relationship between high government officials, known soviet agents, and fellow travelers.
Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships
"The idea gleaming and dancing before ones eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race one Empire. What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible." -- Cecil Rhodes, June 2, 1877
"The Society should inspire and even own portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of the people." -- Cecil Rhodes, 1877
"For fear that death might cut me off before the time for attempting its development, I leave all my worldly goods in trust ... to try to form such a Society with such an object." -- Cecil Rhodes, June 2, 1877
"In Washington, more Rhodes Scholars have been attracted to the State Department than to any other branch of the government, but there is good representation in the departments of War, Navy, Justice...". From "The American Rhodes Scholarship; A review of the first forty years", by Frank Aydelotte, (1946) Page 99.
"The Rhodes Trustees will not be satisfied until a Rhodes Scholar is President of the United States" -- from Forty Years of Rhodes Scholarships, by Carleton Kemp Allen (1944), page 18.
"Next week an Oxford man will become President of the United States. Three members of Bill Clinton's cabinet, two Supreme Court Judges and a host of congressmen are also Oxonians. In Japan, Oxford University now boasts not only the future emperor, Crown Prince Naruhito, but also his future wife, Masako Owada (a Balliol woman), among its alumni. With the worlds two most powerful economies sewn up, Oxford can afford to be smug. For its tentacles in the new world, Oxford owes much to the system of Rhodes Scholarships, which since 1903, have attracted some of the brightest of America's political climbers. Britain no longer rules the world. But, thanks to an old university with an excellent brand-name, it at least helps fashion the worlds rulers." -- London 'Economist', January 16, 1993.
Fortunately for the world, Rhodes did not wield enough political power during his lifetime to bring all the nations of the world under the rule of an international government. However, he left his fortune, acquired from diamond mining in Africa, to establish a scholarship program to indoctrinate promising young men and send them throughout the world to work toward the goal of world government.
Rhodes scholars helped to bring the United States of America into two World Wars, set up the United Nations, and gave to the nations of the world over one trillion dollars in the Marshall Plan and foreign aid funds. They have promoted free trade policies that are destroying American industry and causing innumerable social and economic problems.
Cecil Rhodes
Cecil Rhodes was a financier and statesman whose personal ambitions were a close second to those he had for British imperialism. It was still possible, in his lifetime, to implement colonialism while acquiring considerable power and accruing personal fortunes. It was the age of the dream of extending as far as possible the territories marked in red (that is, British colonies and dominions) on the world atlas. Born in July 1853, Cecil Rhodes was one of six sons of a vicar. Due to ill health, he was not sent to Eton or Winchester like two of his brothers, neither did he end up in the army. His poor constitution meant he had to revise his ambitions to become a barrister or a clergyman and study at the local grammar school instead. He had a great love of the country and of agriculture, which came to the fore later in his life when reforestation and rural development became one of his passions in South Africa.
He was sent to Natal to join his brother on a cotton farm in 1870. Their failure to grow the crop successfully and the incurable bite of diamond fever led them to move to Kimberley (in Africa) a year later, where Cecil Rhodes persisted with his dream of wealth in spite of terribly harsh conditions and bad luck, until he turned his fortune and succeeded to make a life of mining.
His young life was spent between Oxford and Kimberley, feeling in the main an odd man out in both places. His academic pursuits, though desultory, were viewed strangely in the mining provinces, and his unusual laugh, oratorial voice and behaviour singled him out in England. But he had an almost mystical inclination to perpetuate imperialism, and would speak at length on the subject, gathering small crowds of admirers. His ill health was an obstacle he stubbornly refused to be distracted by, but he felt its portent, for he made as many as seven wills. In each, his ambitions for furthering the power of the British Empire figured significantly.
Although he never regarded accumulating wealth as a means to itself, Rhodes became quite successful in that regard while attempting to fulfil his dreams which were, apart from `painting the map red', to build a railway from the Cape to Cairo, to reconcile the Boers and the British under one flag (the Union Jack, of course) and claim the American colonies for the Empire. They led him on a successful political career, with a number of achievements, not least of which being Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
Cecil Rhodes, who always insisted on being called simply `Mr Rhodes', was never married. His sympathies and leanings are described differently by different biographers, but it was a known fact it was not unusual for him to be surrounded, as in his younger Oxford days, by a crowd of young admiring bachelors. There was an annoying entanglement with a cunning self-styled adventuress, Princess Radziwitt, whose manipulative schemes were more financially than romantically inclined. Her passion for intrigue, power and gain caused the statesman more annoyance than political - or any other - advantage. She forged signatures, counterfeited documents and committed fraudulence using his name. He was even summoned to her trial and had to travel from Europe to Cape Town to give evidence.
Incurable heart disease brought Rhodes to his end in 1902. He had emerged into the new century hoping for an end to the Boer War, but it outlived him. He was buried in the Matopo Hills early in April of that year, after a funeral cortege by railway which was a memorable procession. The reading of his will later that month increased his reputation as an imaginative farsighted man, due to the creation of a new education grant trust for the now famous Rhodes Scholarships, his main legacy.
By William F. Jasper
"In America, where idealism is the yardstick used to judge a generation's collective virtue, Rhodes scholars are its masters," says Rhodes scholar Peter Beinart. "They are chosen as much for their public-spiritedness as for their academic prowess. Not all want to run for elective office, but the bulk think their talents can be most fully realized through public service. Like Clinton, my peers believe earnestly in government. Above all, they believe in themselves in government." Writing in the "My Turn" section of Newsweek's January 16th issue, Beinart, a 23-year-old student now in his second year at Oxford University, offers a perceptive critique of the "Rhodie" tendency to giddily embrace idealism as "summum bonum". Beinart notes that "such idealism should be refreshing. Yet after a year at Oxford, it makes me uneasy. The committment to government my colleagues express so passionately is rarely linked to a clear vision of what government should do....I'm afraid that the idealism for which Rhodes scholars receive praise is less an antidote to the problems of American politics than a symptom of them."
"Lacking a vision of political service in pursuit of specific ends,"observes Beinart, "the rhetoric of idealism allows Rhodes scholars to justify and celebrate political service per se. Idealism masks an ideological vacuum."
On the pernicious potential of misdirected idealism Bienart scores some important points. However, it is not idealism per se, but a particular kind of idealism, of which Rhodies are typically imbued, that is the problem under consideration here. And it is certainly not an idealism proceeding from an "ideological vacuum." If that were the case, we would expect to see idealism manifested and expressed in a diversity of shapes and forms, as for instance: Christian idealism versus humanist/pagan/atheist idealism, individualist versus collectivist idealism, libertarian versus totalitarian idealism, nationalist versus globalist idealism, etc.
The Oxonian idealism, however, seems to run almost invariably along the humanist/pagan/atheist, collectivist, totalitarian, globalist, elitist lines. Perhaps Beinart's peers do not explicitly subscribe to such a nasty idealism, but, apparently, it is implicit - at least in the formative stages - in their collective world view, and it is this which makes him "uneasy."As he says, they have a passionate "commitment to government," but, "above all, they believe "in themselves" in government." Which is exactly the kind of "idealism" British empire builder Cecil John Rhodes intended to foster when he established the Rhodes scholarships at the turn of the century.
We have written previously about the baleful effects of Rhodes' bequest("A 'Rhodie' in the White House," New American, 1/25/93). However, since the accession of Bill Clinton to the Oval Office, the Oxford influence in the Executive branch of the federal government has attained unprecedented heights. As Rhodes scholar Robert Rotberg noted in the Christian Science Monitor for December 7, 1992, the Clinton Presidency "fulfills Rhodes' deepest aspiration." Rotberg, author of The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power, wrote in his Monitor piece that "Rhodes believed that he had discovered an idea that could lead 'to the cessation of all wars and one language throughout the world.' Rhodes also specified fairly clearly the kinds of men who should receive the opportunity to go to Oxford. He had Clinton in mind" - an admission which, by itself, should severely diminish the prestige of the esteemed academic honors. Rhodes' men, said Rotberg,were a special breed: reprinted in The Rhodes Legacy.
The secret society of which Rhodes spoke was launched, notes Blumenfeld,on February 5, 1891. Forming the executive committee of this society were Rhodes, Stead, Lord Esher, and Alfred Milner. Below them was a "Circle of Initiates" comprised of Lord Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, Lord Grey, and other scions of Britain's financial and aristocratic elite.According to Professor Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, "The scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or more accurately, they were to be one of the instuments by which the members of the secret society could carry out his purpose." "The Rhodes Scholarships," Blumenfeld writes, "as outlined in Rhodes' will, became the main instrument whereby the most promising young people throughout the English-speaking world could be recruited to serve an idea that Rhodes thought would take 200 years to fulfill." And, says Blumenfeld: "Obviously, the way the secret society would recruit its future leaders from among the Rhodes scholars was to dangle before them the prospects of future advancement in whatever field they chose to pursue, be it education, politics, government, foundation work, finance, journalism, etc. Thus, if you understood the implicit message being given to you by your sponsors you might one day become president of Harvard, President of the United States, a Supreme Court Judge, a US senator, or president of the Carnegie Foundation. The road to fame and fortune was open as long as you played the game and obeyed the rules. The Association of American Rhodes Scholars has an alumni membership of about 1,600. They have become leading figures in the new ruling elite in America."
For gaining as appreciation of just how influential the "leading figures"in this ruling elite have been, and are today, Dr. Cuddy's 50-page booklet, Secret Records Revealed, is of immense value. Utlilizing the chronological format he has used in some of his previous studies, Cuddy begins with the year 1890 and traces the perfidious Rhodes influence to the present, outlining not only the "contributions" of Rhodes scholars, but those as well of prominent members in Rhodes' other fronts such as the Council on Foreign Relations.
The impact of this elect (but in most cases unelected) coterie has been nothing less than incredible. A roll call of the famous Rhodies who have advanced the founder's scheme reads like a Who's Who of American finance,business, academe, journalism, and politics: Whitney Shepardson, John K.Fairbank, Lester Thurow, Erwin D. Canham, Stringfellow Barr, Nicholas Katzenbach, Howard K. Smith, Harlan Cleveland, Carl Albert, J. William Fulbright, Dean Rusk, Hedley Donovan, Walt Rostow, Robert Roosa, Stansfield Turner, Richard Lugar, David Boren, Michael Kinsley, Daniel Boorstin, and many more. Among the more than 20 Rhodies in Clinton's retinue are Strobe Talbott, Robert Reich, James Woolsey, Ira Magaziner, George Stephanopoulos, Stephen Oxman, Sarah Sewall, Walter Slocombe, Joseph Nye, and Richard N.Gardner.
And what are the characteristics that the Rhodes scholarship selection committees were to look for in candidates and nurture in their scholars? According to Rhodes' own criteria, notes Cuddy, the traits most desired were (and are) "smugness, brutality, unctuous rectitude, and tact." Obviously, as Mr. Rotberg beamed above, Rhodes "had Clinton in mind." After all, his proteges were to be the "best men," the "best people," pursuing his vision of world government run by a socialist aristocratic elite. According to Rhodes' co-conspirator Stead, it was expected that by 1920 there would be"between two and three thousand men in the prime of life scattered a
Reprinted from THE NEW AMERICAN MAGAZINE February 20, 1995
Cecil Rhodes- The Rhodes Scholarships
A Giant Step For White World Domination
He was a young man with a mission. The theft of an entire planet is no easy task. Fresh from the influences of imperialist Europe, Rhodes brought the fever of conquest to Afrika in a way equal in barbarity to anything ever seen on the planet. 440,656 square miles and over a thousand dead Afrikans later, in 1890, he stuck a flag into the heart of South Afrika and called the land Rhodesia, after himself.
His ultimate scheme was simple. TO COLONIZE THE ENTIRE WORLD. Rhodes wrote his "Confession of Faith" in 1877, very early in his life. In it, he stated his position in England and the rest of the globe. "I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the bietter it is for the human race." He looked at Afrika as a piece of real estate that was destined to be ruled by Britain. Rhodes was determined to bring the vast resources of the Motherland home and place them at the feet of the crown. A cornerstone of this mad plan was to control Afrika " from Cape to Cairo"; the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo, Egypt. A glance at the map will confirm this literally includes the whole continent. He was a huge player in the game of WHITE WORLD DOMINATION. It was Rhodes was at the beginnings of the Apartheid Era of South Afrika.
Cecil John Rhodes was born on July 5, 1853, at Bishop Straford in Hertfordshire, England. He lived there until leaving for Afrika in 1870 at age 17. His brothers, who'd preceded him there, welcomed him to the Black Continent. As an immigrant, he was entitled to a land grant of fifty acres and given five years to pay for it. The crop he chose was cotton. He reinvested the profits in the railroad, which was growing strong transporting the newly exploited diamonds and gold from raped Afrikan soil. Wealth fueled to his imagination and imperialistic nature. He began his lifetime quest for power and land because, "We know the size of the world and we know the total extent. Africa is still lying ready for us and it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race more of the best the most human, most honourable race the world possesses."[punctuation his]
In her classic account of this wickedly remarkable mans life, Sarah Gertrude Millin states, "In the end all that Rhodes can do towards extending British rule throughout the world and restoring Anglo-Saxon unity and founding a guardian power for the whole of humanity is to arrange for a number of young men from the United States, the British colonies, and Germany to go to Oxford.
"W.T. Stead, a confidant of Rhodes relates, "between two and three thousand men in the prime of life scattered all over the world, each one of whom would have had impressed upon his mind in the most susceptible period of his life the dream of the Founder.
"There were specific guidelines set. Areas of ability were carefully evaluated when selecting a recipient of the scholarship. There was a balance to the men Rhodes thought capable of implementing his plan and attaining his dream. Thirty percent for "literary and scholastic attainments." Twenty percent for "fondness of and success in manly outdoor sports such as cricket, football and the like." Thirty percent for "quality of manhood, truth, couracge, devotion to duty sympath for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness, and fellowship." Twenty percent for "exhibition during schooldays of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates." Just as Adolf Hitler would have failed his own test for the perfect Aryan due to his severe lack of blond hair and blue eyes, so would Rhodes have failed his; he was not scholarship material.
His was the dream of fathering, after death, a vast undercover machine to fulfill his lifelong ambition. In his Confession of Faith, As Rhodes talks about Anglo-Saxon control of the planet he writes, "Toward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such a object.
"At one point Lyndon Johnson was heard to say that he was the only member of Kennedy's administration with a degree from Southwest Texas State Teacher's College. A large majority of the rest were Rhodes scholars and thus Oxford graduates. They can be found in many levels of international government and business. One connection between President Bill Clinton and Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke is that they are both disciples of Rhodes.
Europeans, under the guise of educational advancement, have hidden a world-wide army of men with the ideology of Cecil Rhodes imbedded in their hearts and minds. Just like he planned. It is important to realize who is shaping the planet toward “progress without oppression.”
Reprinted from the
Chicago Tribune
Scholars Work to That End
[Chicago Tribune From Service]
New York, July 14—Cecil John Rhodes the empire builder, held a lifelong burning ambition to bring about “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.” Today many American Rhodes scholars are working assiduously to make the dream of their imperial patron come true.
These American Rhodes scholars have been going to Oxford university for education and indoctrination in the British way of thinking since 1904. The Rhodes diamond and mining fortune foots the bills. Each year 32 leaders are carefully se1ected for the schooling abroad. Only two world wars temporarily halted the annual crop.
Rhodes cherished schemes for a world power federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His American scholars returning from England are the leaders in the drive to sink Uncle Sam deeper in the morass of the affairs of other countries.
Fulbrlght Gets Oxford Itch
By way of example, it was Sen. J. William Fulbright [D., Ark.], who as a young congressman itching with newly acquired Oxford ideas,. introduced the resolution proposing the creation of “international machinery” and the participation of the United States. That was in 1943. The United Nations, the “police action” in Korea with 78,000 American casualties and other events have followed.
It was another Rhodes scholar Robert Lee Humber, who promoted the first action by any legislative body declaring “that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations.” This was a resolution adopted by the North Carolina legislature in 1941. Humber had just returned to this country after 16 years in the oil business in Europe.
U. S. Surrenders to U. N.
Rhodes told intimates it might take a century for his “great dream” to be fulfilled. Less than half a century has passed. To an extent the decision reached by the American revolution has been reversed already, in the opinion of historical observers.
Politically, It is pointed out, the United States has surrendered some sovereignty to a supra-body, the United Nations, in which the British foreign office wields tremendous influence. Militarily Americans are fighting for foreign interests as they did in the French and Indian wars. Economically the country is pouring out its wealth in the form of foreign “aid” just as it did before the Boston tea party.
How are Rhodes’ American proteges throwing their weight around? More than a third of the living American scholars are in the educational field, mostly at Harvard and other eastern institutions. In their teaching and writing they pass along the views they soaked up from the Oxford Dons.
But in recent years the scholars have infiltrated the government in increasing numbers. They hold key positions, particularly in the vital foreign policy-making state department.
Active In Opinion Molding
Rhodes scholars also command posts in the United Nations and economic cooperatlon administration. The returnlng savants are active in the field of opinion molding with a large sprinkling among the eastern internationalist press, magazines, and radio.
An analysis of the American scholars by various occupations follows:
Teachers, professors, college and
preparatory school presidents......................................424
Judges........................................................................... 10
Federal government.................................................. 100
State and municipal posts......................................... 16
Armed forces............................................................ 21
Private business. Industrialists, research, etc. ......... 104
Finance and banking................................................ 33
News, radio, magazines, writers............................. 60
Doctors................................................................... 32
Churchmen............................................................. 20
Miscellaneous........................................................ 15
Students still at Oxford or graduate schools.......... 103
Unclassified or retired........................................... 76
Total.................................................................. 1,183 *
[Note: The total is off by one. This could be due to the difficulty in OCR and proofing the small numbers in a poor photocopy or it could have been an error in the original. -- The Transcriber]
Rhodes, the man who set this vast propaganda project in motion, was born in an English par-
sonage in 1853. Delicate health as a youth led him to Africa and the diamond fields of Kimberley where the sparklers laid the basis of his fortune. He returned to Oxford to resume his schooling.
Rhodes’ Sense of Destiny
Even as a student, Rhodes had a sense of destiny, of shaping history to suit his own tastes, and he outlined his views in a document called “Confession of Faith” at about the time he prepared his first will in 1877. He wrote:
“I have felt that at the present day we are actually limiting children and perhaps bringing into the world half the human beings we might owing to the lack of country for them to inhabit, that if we had retained America there would at the present moment be many millions more of English living. “I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race.”
The sentence could have been written by a Hitler or a Mussolini This remarkable document then went on to spell out more specifically the Rhodes overweening aims for world domination as follows:
“The extension of British rule thruout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy land, the valley of Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire. the consolidation of the whole empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the Imperial parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interest of humanity.”
Planned Secret Society
Rhodes penned seven wills, the originals of which repose today in the Rhodes house at Oxford. The first five contemplated the creation of a world-wide secret society to promote the British empire.
“In considering question suggested take constitution Jesuits if obtainable and insert ‘English Empire’ for ‘Roman Catholic religion,’” said a letter accompanying the second will.
The sixth will, dated 1893, made the first provision for scholarships. They were to be for “young colonists” in the furtherance of empire unity. American scholarships appeared in the final will, prepared in 1899 and made public in 1902 following Rhodes’ death.
Rhodes earmarked two scholarships for each American state and territory. At the time there were 45 states and five territories which would have meant 100 American scholarships and only 60 for the whole of the British empire.
Scholars Call it Oversight
“When Rhodes assigned his scholarships,” wrote Mrs. Sarah Gertrude Millin, in her biografy, “Rhodes,” “he believed there were still only the original 13 states in the union of America.”
Rhodes’ scholars indignantly deny this and claim it was only an oversight on the part of their patron. They say it was an oversight also that Rhodes made scholarship allocations to Quebec and Ontario but left out the other provinces of Canada. Trustees of the estate have rectified matters by awarding 32 scholarships annually in the United States of 100 and bringing in other Canadian provinces.
The South African despot and empire builder, advised of American public opinion, moderated his language in the final will from the bold declarations of his early “Confession of Faith.”
Departing from the early violent racism, Rhodes Inserted a clause [No. 24] in the seventh will stating that “no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a scholarship on account of his race or religious opinions.”
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, N. J., and American secretary to the Rhodes trustees since 1918, was asked how this worked out in practice. He replied that out of the 1,400 Americans selected as Rhodes scholars since 1904, one has been a Negro. He is Alain Locke, who went to the University of Pennsylvania before going to Oxford. Locke is now a professor of philosofy at Howard university, Washington, D. C.
Hoped to Absorb U. S.
“‘I know, perhaps no one better, how much store Rhodes put upon the long document and his wishes as therein indicated. I think when you read the paper you understand what I meant when I said I did not regard the will as an educational one in the same sense that you did.’”
Aims at Political Bias
The Hawksley letter is preserved in the archives at Rhodes house, Oxford. Wylie was moved to comment, “Hawskley was right,” he said. “This is not an educational endowment as ordinarily understood. Its purpose is not to give anybody an education he could not otherwise afford; nor to promote learning; but to encourage in the rising generation of English-speaking people a particular outlook on the problems of the world—to give them, in fact, a political bias.
“This idea of using scholarships as instruments of a ’political‘ purpose had come to Rhodes seven years earlier, and had taken shape in the will of 1893 [ the one establishing scholarships for ‘Young colonists‘ ].”
Thus, from the mouths of two of Rhodes’ closest associates, it is confirmed that the prime purpose of establishing the scholarships was to further the dream revealed in the “Confession of Faith.” that embraced the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.”
The part played in this underground movement by individual American Rhodes scholars will be disclosed in subsequent articles.
Key Posts Held by Oxford Scholars
(Chicago Tribune. Press Service)
New York, July 15—Key positions in the United States department of state are held by a net work of American Rhodes scholars. Rhodes scholars are men who obtained supplemental education and indoctrination at Oxford university in England with the bills paid by the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. Rhodes wrote about his ambition to cause “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.” The late diamond and gold mining tycoon aimed at a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His intimates have admitted the scholarships were established for the primary purpose of instilling “political bias” rather than providing education.
32 Scholarship, a Year
Thirty-two scholarships have been awarded in this country every year, except in war times since 1904. The state department and its foreign service rolls are studded with a total of 34 Rhodes scholars, or two more than the annual production.
Rhodes’ proteges have exercised considerable influence in the foreign policies of this country within the last few years, particularly in the far east where diplomatic blunders led to the Korean debacle with its 78,000 American casualties—to date.
On the top echelon at the state department sit two savants who soaked up the British way of looking at the world at the foot of the Oxford dons. They are Assistant State Secretary Dean Rusk, in charge of far eastern affairs and Assistant State Secretary George C. McGhee, in charge of near eastern, south Asian, and African affairs.
Gets Too Hot
Adviser to Marshall
Butterworth had been a principa1 assistant and adviser to Gen. George C. Marshall during his disastrous post-war mission to China which culminated in suggestions for including Communists in the national cabinet, and paved the way to complete Red conquest of the Chinese mainland.
Before the war and during the entire period of strained relations between Japan and the United States another Rhodes scholar had charted the state department’s meandering course in the far east. He was Stanley K. Hornbeck. Hornbeck was chief of the division of far eastern affairs during the thirties and then became political adviser on the far east. He retired in 1945 after a brief fling at the post of ambassador to the Netherlands.
Hornbeck arrogated to himself wide powers while at the state department. This was revealed in the testimony of Adm. .T. C. Richardson, who commanded the fleet in the Pacific for 13 months prior to February of 1941, before the congressional committee investigating the Pearl Harbor attack.
Admiral Meets Snub
Richardson told the committee during a hearing in 1945 that he found Hornbeck had more to say about the fleet than he did. The admiral had suggested the war vessels be returned from Hawaii to the west coast. President Roosevelt refused to follow this suggestion because he claimed their stay In Hawaii represented a “restraining influence” on Japanese aggression.
Alger Hiss, Roosevelt’s Yalta adviser who is now in federal prison serving out a sentence for perjury which involved his espionage activities, was assistant to Hornbeck from 1933 to 1944. Hornbeck testified as a character witness for Hiss during his trials. He admitted he heard Hiss described as a “fellow traveler” by William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to France, but upheld his integrity on the witness stand.
Assistant State Secretary McGhee is a sample of how chummy you can get in the rarified atmosphere of Oxford and topshell diplomacy. His dean and tutor at Oxford from 1934 on for three years was Sir Oliver Franks, now representing his Britannic majesty’s labor government as ambassador to the United States.
Appointed in 1943
McGhee was appointed to his post in the summer of 1949 after having served the state department as special representative to the near east on the Palestine refugee problem and as coördinator for the 400 million dollar aid to Greece and Turkey.
With the near east, south Asia and Africa falling within his sphere. McGhee has answerable to him 53 foreign service stations, of which 14 are embassies, and a vast territory embracing 700 million people. Britain has vital interests in the area.
McGhee, a millionaire oilman from Texas, recently journeyed to Iran to confer on the proposed nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian oil company.
List Other Rhodes Thinkers
Other important positions heldby Rhodes scholars in the state department are as follows:
Robert W. Barnett, officer in charge, economic affairs, bureau of far eastern affairs.
Bryton Barron, assistant for treaty affairs, office of legal advisor
Louis E. Frechtllng, acting chief, division of research for near and Africa.
B. M. Hulley, officer in charge of northern European affairs.
S. Shepard Jones, officer in charge of public affairs, bureau of near east, south Asia and African affairs.
G. B. Noble, chief, division of historical policy research.
Archibald B. Roosevelt Jr., chief, near east section, voice of America.
H. H. Sargeant, deputy assistant secretary of state for public affairs.
Schmitt in Research
Bernadotte E. Schmitt. chief, German war documents project, division of historical policy research.
Conrad E. Snow, assistant legal adviser.
Five other Rhodes scholars hold down jobs in the state department in Washington and 16 are scattered around the globe in American embassies and consulates.
Bryton Barron, assistant for treaty affairs, office of legal advisor
Louis E. Frechtllng, acting chief, division of research for near and Africa.
B. M. Hulley, officer in charge of northern European affairs.
S. Shepard Jones, officer in charge of public affairs, bureau of near east, south Asia and African affairs.
G. B. Noble, chief, division of historical policy research.
Archibald B. Roosevelt Jr., chief, near east section, voice of America.
H. H. Sargeant, deputy assistant secretary of state for public affairs.
Schmitt in Research
Bernadotte E. Schmitt. chief, German war documents project, division of historical policy research.
Conrad E. Snow, assistant legal adviser.
Five other Rhodes scholars hold down jobs in the state department in Washington and 16 are scattered around the globe in American embassies and consulates.
‘Scholars’ Advance British Schemes
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 16—American Rhodes scholars, men who have received education and indoc- trination at Oxford university, England, are prominent in the affairs of the United Nations. The U. N. is an outgrowth of the schemes developed by the scho1ars patron, Cecil Rhodes, the British empire builder.
Rhodes dreamed of an Anglo-Saxon federation, with the British dominating, an organization powerful enough to police the world and preserve the peace. In his writings the diamond despot of South Africa showed he hoped the scholarships would promote his grandiose idea. Thirty-two American collegians go to Oxford each year under terms of Rhodes’ will.
Gross Oxford-Educated
Ernest A. Gross, Oxford-educated and a former assistant secretary of state, is the deputy delegate from the United States to the U. N. He has been acting delegate an many occasions and is the real top man on the American mission as a result of Chief Delegate Warren Austin’s increasing inactivity due to advancing years.
Upon graduation from Harvard, Gross attended Oxford in 1927 and 1928. While he is not listed as a Rhodes scholar, he did absorb the teachings of the Oxford dons on foreign policy—as the British see it—and on other matters. Gross rowed on one of the college crews at Oxford.
Founder of A. V. C.
Bolte lost a leg at Alamein in 1943. He then joined the United States office of war information as a writer. Altho he had not served with the American forces, he founded the so-called American veterans committee, a radical, pro-New Deal group. Then he obtained a post-war appointment to Oxford. Returning to this country in 1949, he got the U. N. job.
Other Rhodes scholars active in the U. N. include the following:
C. B. Wicart, chief of the tax section of the bureau of finance. It was Wicart who obtained exemption for the U. N. from retail sales taxes, hotel occupancy taxes, and other levies in New York City.
S. M. Keeney, far eastern director of the U. N. international children’s emergency fund. He formerly was director of the Italian program for the United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration.
Marshall J. Wolfe, department of social affairs of the U. N.
Walter A. Chudson, department of economic affairs of the U. N.
James R. Fowler, bureau for United Nations affairs, office of dependent area affairs, state department.
D. M. French, bureau of United Nations affairs, state department.
Others Prominent in U. N.
Rhodes scholars from British dominions also are prominent in the U.N. J. King Gordon, a Canadian, is with the U. N. division of human rights here in New York, I. E. Berendsen, a New Zealander, is political affairs officer for the U. N.. trusteeship division. A. M. Acock, a South African, is with the U. N. food and agricultural organization.
In his 1893 will Rhodes established scholarships for “young colonials“ with the expressed wish they would serve to knit the empire more closely together. Not until his last will in 1899 did he make provision for Americans and Germans. The German scholarships have not been resumed since the war.
According to intimates, Rhodes aimed at instilling “political bias” into the students who came to Oxford thru the courtesy of his fortune. His friends said his life long dream was set forth in his “Confession of Faith.” Drawn up in 1877, this curious document carried the seeds of the U. N. and other globalist schemes.
Seeks to “Recover” U. S.
“The ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire, the consolidation of the whole empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the imperial parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity.”
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the institute for advanced study at Princeton and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees, discussed this point in his book, “The American Rhodes Scholarships, a Review of the First Forty Years.”
“Important in his plan is recovery of the United States, not as a subject people but as a free member of a federated empire.” Dr. Aydelotte wrote. “His views look beyond the expansion of the British empire and the recovery of America to the government of the whole world and the establishment of enduring peace.”
Ready to Shed Blood
In 1895 Rhodes gave men, money, and influence toward the abortive Jameson raid.This was a raid led by his associate, Leander Starr Jameson, into the Transvaal in support of a projected rising at Johannesburg. The rising failed to materialize. James and his 500 men had to surrender to the Boer commanders.
For his part in the conspiracy, Rhodes was condemned by both the Cape and imperial parliaments.
Besides fathering the world federation or U. N. idea, Rhodes also was a champion of “human rights” for political reasons. His final will declared that no prospective scholar be qualified or disqualified for racial reasons.
At the same time while he reigned supreme in the Cape colony, however, Rhodes imposed property qualifications and other restrictive devices to prevent the predominantly black population from voting.
Rhodes Men Hold Key Dole Jobs
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 17—.”Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” the popular song goes, and diamonds also are a Rhodes scholar’s best friend. Approximately 1,.400 Americans have gone to Oxford university, England, since 1904 with the way paid from the estate of Cecil Rhodes, diamond magnate and British empire builder.
Today numerous Rhodes scholars are in a position to repay their educational benefactor in dollars for the sparklers dug up on their behalf from the diamond lands seized by the British in South Africa during the last century.
Rhodes scholars dominate the United States department of state, which directs the doling out of billions in foreign aid, with the United Kingdom getting the major share. The savants also hold down important positions in the economic cooperation administration, mutual defense assistance program, and other foreign handout setups.
Parallels Rhodes Ambitions
This is all in keeping with Rhodes’ overweening ambitions for a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons for the purpose of enforcing peace and the status quo. He also aimed at “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.”
With the Oxford-indoctrinated Rhodes scholars holding key positions in the Washington administration, Britain obtained 31 billion dollars from Uncle Sam in the form of ‘lend-lease” outlays during the war. ‘That was followed by the 3-3/4 billion dollar “gift loan” to Britain in 1946.
During the first three years of the Marshall plan ECA largesse the United Kingdom received 2 billion 706 million dollars, by far the largest allotment. A bill providing 8? billion dollars far the military and economic aid program abroad is pending before congress.
Rhodes Scholar In Charge
Currently the mutual defense assistance program is being carried out with an appropriation of a billion dollars. It is not surprising to observers to find a Rhodes scholar in charge of divvying up the billion dollars’ worth of military aid to western Europe. He is Lt. Col. Charles H. Bonesteel III.
Bonesteel is executive director of the European coordinating committee for the mutual defense assistance program, the MDAP in alphabetical nomenclature. The colonel makes his office in London, not far from his old Oxford haunts.
He was graduated from the United States military academy at West Point in 1931 and from Oxford in 1934. He then was in the regular army as an engineer and went to England in 1941 as an observer for the engineering board. Bonesteel was an operations officer in the Normandy invasion, later serving on the staffs of Gen. Bradley and Marshal Montgomery.
After the war, Bonesteel representcd the war department at several international conferences and was lent for a time to the state department planning staff.
On Col. Bonesteel’s staff in London is another Rhodes scholar, H. L. Merillat. Another American Rhodes scholar who has settled down In England for a stretch is H. S. Arms, assistant director at the division of atomic energy.
The ECA, principal doler-outer of funds after the British gift loan was dissipated ahead of schedule and the forerunner of the MDAP, has several Rhodes scholars holding key posts.
ECA Deputy on List
They Include the following:
Harlan Cleveland, deputy assistant program administrator for the ECA, with offices in Washington. He formerly was director of the ECA’s China program and chief at the United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration mission to China. Beforr that he was deputy director of the UNRRA mission to Italy.
John M. Cassels, director of research for the ECA mission with offices at the American embassy in London. A former professor of the graduate school of public administration at Harvard, Cassels was vice chairman of the combined working party on European food supplies during the war. Afterward he became an economist for the United States department of commerce.
Lincoln Gordon, professor of governmnent and administration, Harvard Business school, and director of the program, review, and recovery division, office of special representative of the ECA in Paris. During the war he was vice chairman of the war production board. Later he joined the staff at the United States atomic energy delegation at the U. N.
Wilfred Martin Kluss, overseas development office at the ECA in Paris and special adviser to W. Averell Harriman, in turn is special adviser to President Truman Kluss is associated with Morgan Stanley & Co., investment bankers in New York.
B. E. L. Timmons, deputy director of the ECA mission to France. Last year he was acting head.
A. B. Daspit, office of ECA representative in Europe, located in Paris.
Felix I. Shafner, chief economist for the ECA in Washington and chief of the liaison branch of the national advisory council on international monetary and financial problems.
S. J. Hyning Jr., ECA offices in Washington.
Rhodes’ proteges also are spotted, in the occupation setups Germany. R. L. Guthrie, a Rhodes scholar, is presiding judge of the United States courts for the allied high commission of Germany. The chief of the legislation division, office of general counsel for the high commissioner, is N. H. Mitchell, also a scholar.
Another, John F. Golay, is deputy United States secretary to the allied high commission at Bonn-Petersberg.
Work to Advance Patron’s Schemes
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 18—Rhodes scholars returning to this country are following the cherished plans of their imperial patron, Cecil Rhodes, and are flocking into positions of influence in the United States government. There are 100 in the government today as contrasted with 74 in 1946, a canvass shows.
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 18—Rhodes scholars returning to this country are following the cherished plans of their imperial patron, Cecil Rhodes, and are flocking into positions of influence in the United States government. There are 100 in the government today as contrasted with 74 in 1946, a canvass shows.
Rhodes, empire builder and South African despot, left provision for American scholarships at Oxford university, England, in his seventh and final will in 1899. Fourteen hundred American campus “leaders” have been educated and indoctrinated at the jolly old English Institution since 1904 and are currently being turned out at the rate of 32 annually.
World Domination Sought
Thruout his life, Rhodes had a burning desire to restore the United States to the British empire in the form of an Anglo-Saxon federation that would dominate the world.
He wanted his annual crop of posthumous proteges all to be leaders who would come back and preach the gospel as they learned it at his old alma mater, Oxford.
Today the scholars are sprinkled around in virtually every branch of the government. On the legislative side, Sen. Fulbright [D., Ark.] is a prime plugger for involvement of the United States in “international machinery.” Rhodes savants dominate the state department, the economic cooperation administration, the mutual defense assistance program, the United Nations, and other foreign handout agencies.
Publication Lists “Scholars”
The names of Rhodes scholars who have nailed down jobs in the state department and the handout agencies already have been revealed in this series of articles. A listing of the most prominent 20 scholars in other branches, as compiled from the October, 1950, American Oxonian, the official publlcation of the group in this country, follows:
Samuel Adams, director of personnel, bureau of the budget, executive office of the President.
Carl B. Albert, Democratic member congress from Oklahoma.
Dana K. Bailey, physicist, central radio propagations laboratory, national bureau of standards.
J. D. Burrus Jr., executive office of the President, bureau of budget.
C. L. Burwell, special assistant to assistant secretary of navy for air.
Albert G. Cornsweet, chief clinical psychologist, mental hygiene clinic, veterans administration.
B. M. Davis, senior surgeon, United States public health service.
C. D. Edward, director, bureau of industrial economics.
Grady C. Frank, office, chief of staff, department of the army.
E. S. Griffith, director of the legislative reference service, library of congress.
Robert Hale, Republican member of congress from Maine.
G. K. Hartmann, chief, explosives research department, naval ordnance laboratory.
Philip M. Kaiser, assistant secretary of labor.
J. Burke Knapp Jr., assistant director, economic department, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
J. H. Macomber Jr., associate general counsel, general services administration.
C. D. Mahaffie, member interstate commerce commission.
E. K. McClaskey, principal field examiner, national labor relations board
James McCormack Jr., brigadier general, United States army, director of military application, United States atomic energy commission
Karl B. Price, assistant general counsel, treasury department
Eugene Sunderlin, scientific director, office of naval research, London.
“Leadership” Is Stressed
While Rhodes directed his scholars should be selected with an eye to a nice balance of scholastic ability, character, and aptitude for athletic sports, he stressed above all the “leadership” requirement.
During the preparation of his last will, Rhodes wrote a letter to his solicitor or lawyer, Bouchier Francis Hawksley of Madeira. in which he discussed this qualification as follows:
“In awarding the scholarships, great consideration shall be given to those who have shown during school days that they have instincts to lead and take an interest in their schoolmates, which attributes will be likely in after life to guide them to esteem the performance of public duties as their highest aim.”
“Manners” Also Considered
Of his designs on the indoctrination of the scholars to be chosen from the colonies [now dominions],
Rhodes said in his final will:
“I consider that the education of young colonists at one of the universities in Great Britain is a great
advantage to them for giving breadth to their views, for their instruction in life and manners, and for
instilling into their minds the advantages to the colonies as well as to England of the retention of the
unity of the empire.”
advantage to them for giving breadth to their views, for their instruction in life and manners, and for
instilling into their minds the advantages to the colonies as well as to England of the retention of the
unity of the empire.”
Rhodes started in 1877 with the idea of leaving his wealth, obtained in the exploitation of South African diamond lands and from other sources, for the creation of a secret society. This society would extend British rule thruout the world. The idea persisted thru the first five wills, and the American scholarships did not materialize until the last one.
Log-Rolling Employed
In this country Rhodes’ men banded together in a tight organization called the Association of American Rhodes Scholars. It is not a secret society, but many of the scholars are working so fervidly to carry out the dreams of their educational benefactor that the ultimate goal is the same.
From 1904 to 1917, when World War I halted the migration across the seas to Oxford, scholars were selected by college and university presidents in the various states. The result was a lot of log-rolling, with one school getting a scholar one year and throwing the plum to another school the next.
Therefore, in 1919 committees of selection composed of .American Rhodes scholars were formed. These committees have picked the scholars ever since, making the association a closed, self-perpetuating fraternity.
Dr. Frank Aydelotte, director of the institute for advanced study at Princeton, N. J., and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees, attaches “great importance” to this system.
“The result has been to unify the whole body of Rhodes scholars in a natural way, without recourse to the artificial get - together schemes commonly used by alumni secretaries of American universities, which rarely appeal to the ablest or busiest men,” Dr .Aydelotte wrote somewhat snobbishly in his book. “The American Rhodes Scholarships.”
“It meant, furthermore, that older men were often able to assist their young proteges, just back from Oxford, in finding suitable posts in the United States.”
Up-to the end of World War II, the trend of the scholars was to go into education. More than a third of the total output became teachers, professors, educational administrators, and college presidents. Now the trend is toward government jobs, or public life, as Rhodes willed it.
Peddle Propaganda for ‘One World’
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 19—Rhodes scholars, returning from schooling and indoctrination at Oxford university, England, are the principal hawkers of globalist propaganda in the United States.
The American scholars obtain their education abroad thru terms of the will left by the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and South African despot. Rhodes aimed at the return of the United States to the British empire and a world federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. He hoped his scholars would be instilled with “political bias” toward these ends, according to his intimate friends.
Previous articles in this series have disclosed that many of the 1,185 living American Rhodes scholars have obtained key positions in the state department, the United Nations, the economic cooperation administration, the mutual defense assistance program, and other government agencies where they have worked toward fulfilment of the schemes of their imperial patron.
Active in Global Groups
Scholars outside the government are engaged assiduoualy in promoting public opinion and building up political pressure for modern day variations of the Rhodes grandiose scheme. A survey of 10 globalist groups reveals the activities of Rhodes’ posthumous proteges as follows:
1. Federal Union, Inc., Clarence Streit, former correspondent for the New York Times at the ill-fated league of nations and author of Union Now, is president of this outfit. Federal Union says it is purely an “educational and research” organization, thereby escaping taxes. The objective is a world government of “matured democracies” federated along the lines of the United States constitution.
2. Atlantic Union Committee, tax paying offshoot of the Federal Union. This is the “political action” group which sponsored the recent congressional resolution asking President Truman to invite the North Atlantic treaty countries to meet this year “with deligates of the United States in a federal convention to explore how far their peoples, and the peoples of such other democracies as the convention may invite to send delegates, can apply among them, within the framework of the U. N., the principles of free federal union.
Scholars on Council
Streit is a member of the A. U. C. board of governors. Other Rhodes scholars on the A. U. C. council include Frank Aydelotte, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton and since 1918 American secretary to the Rhodes trustees: William Yandell Elliott, professor of government at Harvard, and John W. Nason, president of Swarthmore college.
3. Foundation for World Government. Rhodes Scholar Stringfellow Barr is the president and another Rhodes savant, Scott Buchanan, is the secretary. Barr is the author of Let’s Join the Human Race, described as a study of world peace, and The Pilgrimage of Western Man, which is subtitled His Search for One World from 1500 to Armistice II.
The financial angel for the foundation is Mrs. Anita McCormick Blaine of Chicago. She put up a millIon dollars in 1948, saying Henry Wallace, Progressive party candidate for president, was “deeply interested” in the foundation and “his philosofy and that of the foundation are similar.”
4. United World Federalists, Inc. Vernon Nash, a Rhodes scholar, is program vice president. Another scholar, G. C. Holt, editor of The Democrat, publication of the Democratic party of Connecticut, is a member of the national executive council of the U. W. F. Still another Rhodes education ward, Robert Lee Humber, is on the national advisory board.
Humber promoted the first action by a legislative body toward world government by pushing thru the North Carolina legislature in 1941 a resolution declaring “that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations.” The U. W. F. has succeeded in getting other legislatures to adopt the doctrine, but several have repented and repealed the action.
When the Maine senate voted to rescind its previous support of the world federalist movement, Cleveland Sleeper Jr., Republican state senator, said the U. W. F. has been found to be “Non-American, Communist in tone, and directly opposed to anything we call American.” The charge of a communist taint arose when the federalists refused to entertain a program of building an organization that could function without the soviet union.
Gets Ford Funds
5. Pubic Administration Clearing House, Don K. Price Jr., a Rhodes scholar, is listed in the official directory of the scholars as associate director of the P. A. C. H. at the transportation building, Washington, D. C., and 1313 E. 50th st., Chicago.
The P. A. C. H. is a privately endowed group organized to “untangle snarls in international relations.” Drawing a grant of $500,000 from the Ford Foundation, the clearing house recently established headquarters in New York because “this city has become the best spot in the world to operate in the realm of foreign affairs.” Quite appropriately, the new offices are on the second floor of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.
6. Woodrow Wilson Foundation, New York City. The foundation, formed in 1922 “in recognition of the national international services of Woodrow Wilson and to promote valuable service to public welfare, liberal thought, and peace thru justice,” turned over its memorial library to the U. N.
Harvard Man Heads Study
Clyde Eagleton, a Rhodes scholar, professor of international law, director of program of graduate studies in U. N. and world affairs, New York university, is a director of the foundation and also a member of its literary committee. Another Rhodes scholar, Prof. Elliott of Harvard, was placed in charge of a new study for promoting global thinking recently. This research project searches into:
“The problem of how the structure and practices of our government might be improved to permit the full and effective discharge of American responsibilities and obligations in interrelated domestic and international affairs and the stimulation of popular thinking along these lines.”
7. Council on Foreign Relation. This is a highbrow group of globalists in New York. Whitney H. Shepardson, a Rhodes scholar, is a director.
Hiss on Roster
It might be pointed out the council’s membership roster includes: State Secretary Acheson, not a Rhodes scholar but a well known Anglophile; Prof. Owen Lattimore of Johns Hopkins, who was accused in the senate as one of the chief promulgators of the state department’s procommunist policy in China, and Alger Hiss. Hiss, adviser to the late President Roosevelt at the Yalta conference, is serving five years in a federal penitentiary for perjury in a case involving spying for the Russians.
By-laws for the council on foreign relations limit membership to 600 living within 50 miles of the New York city hall and 500 nonresident members outside this charmed area. The residents pay $125 a year. Nonresidents pay $30. There also are $25 memberships for professors, writers, and newspaper men.
British Provide Speakers
8. Foreign Poilcy association. The F. P. A. is one of the most powerful propaganda organizations in the country. Thru its interlocking groups, speakers are provided by the British information service and state department to disseminate the Roosevelt-Truman foreign policy in all parts of the United States. Prof. Eagleton is a director, and many of his scholar colleagues assist in the nation-wide network
9. United Nations association. According to Dr. Aydelotte, the Rhodes secretary in this country, the scholars have taken a “prominent part in the work” of this association.
10. Union for Democratic Action. This originally was a splinter group formed from the progressive citizens of America, the Henry Wallace organization, because the latter permitted Communists to remain within its ranks. The U. D. A. is a radical organization created with avowed purpose of carrying on the ideals of the late President Roosevelt. That the U. D. A. decided to go global is shown by the fact that it has a European director in the person of one David C. Williams, an American Rhodes scholar, according to the official register.
Tells How Schemes Advance
Dr. Aydelotte, in his book, the American Rhodes Scholarships—a Review of the First Forty Years, discussed the influence of Rhodes scholars and how the empire builder’s dreams were being carried out.
“Rhodes’ plan was as broad and as daring as the spirit of the university which he chose for its center,” wrote Dr. Aydelotte. “He founded his scholarships in the faith that if men of the type he wanted were brought together in such a place they would think about these problems of international government, and discuss them, and in their after careers be a force toward bringing about some better plan of peace and order in the relations between the nations, and that this plan would have as its basis the Anglo-Saxon conceptions of justice and liberty and peace.”
South Africans Suppressed
Dr. Aydelotta did not dwell on the point, but other historians have noted how Rhodes’ idea “justice and liberty and peace” was one of suppressing the various peoples of South Africa, where his diamond properties lay, and placing them under the British yoke.
There should not be any “organized political action” by Rhodes scholars, according to Dr. Aydelotte. He added, however, that altho there was no statistical account of their joint effort in fostering Rhodes’ ideas, the “sum total is important.”
Dole Out Cash for One WorldersBY WILLTAM FULTON
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York, July 20—American Rhodes scholars, who are spoon fed doses of internationalism a la mode British imperialism at Oxford university, England, are prominent back home in the affairs of the big foundations doling out funds toward globalist schemes and one world propaganda.
Higher echelon offices in Carnegie, Rockefeller and other privately-endowed foundations are held by Rhodes scholars. This is in keeping with the aims of the late Cecil Rhodes. British empire builder. He left his fortune for the conversion of scholars who would promote his dream of an Anglo-Saxon federation to dominate the world, in this way Rhodes hoped to return the United States to the empire.
So far the Rhodes will has underwritten the education and indoctrination of 1,400 Americans at the English university since 1904. The annual output is 32. They have fastened onto key positions in the state department and other governmental agencies, just as Rhodes hoped it would happen.
Funds Further U. N.
Both the Carnegie and Rockefeller institutions have contributed heavily toward “international” studies to further the United Nations and other supra-governmental plans designed at chipping away American sovereignty. They have also financed organizations and students which according to congressional sources, smack of communism, in itself a form of internationalism.
The foundations have been big moneybags for globalist propaganda thru the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, World Peace Foundation, Foreign Policy Association Council on Foreign Relations, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Former president for the last-named, it will be recalled, was Alger Hiss, the state department adviser for Roosevelt at the Yalta conference. Hiss is now serving sentence in a federal prison for perjury involving war time espionage for the Russians.
Two Carnegie top executives are Rhodes scholars. They are Whitney H. Shepardson, director of the Carnegie Corporation British and Colonies fund, and 0. C. Carmichael, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Assistant to Col. House
Shepardson was secretary of the league of nations committee and assistant to Col. E. M. House at the 1918 peace conference. During the first World war Carmichael disclosed his anglophilic sympathies by serving with the British army in India and became an honorary captain in his Britannic majesty’s East African forces.
An example of how Rhodes men stick together was furnished recently by the $800,000 Carnegie corporation grant to Harvard university for the Russian research center. Largest and most extensive research setup of its kind in the western world, the center is directed by a Rhodes scholar, C. K. M. Kluckhohn.
Carnegie corporation also started the new department of Russian civilization at Darthmouth college this year with a $50,000 gift. The foundation contributes toward Russian study programs at Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore colleges. Swarthmore’s president, John W. Nason, is a Rhodes scholar.
Carnegie-British Born
From the start the huge Carnegie corporation—with assets today valued at 173 million dollars—had a pro-British tinge. Andrew Carnegie, British-born steel magnate, left funds “for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States and of the British dominions and colonies.” His ideas paralleled those of Cecil Rhodes.
Rockefeller Foundation, with book assets of 153 million dollars, is studded with men who went to Oxford by courtesy of the diamond fortune left by the South African despot. Among the Rhodes scholars passing out Rockefeller money are the following:
A. W. Packard, executive assistant to John D. Rockefeller Jr., in matters of philanthropy, and director of Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.
E. F. D’Arms, associate director for the humanities, Rockefeller Foundation.
Chadbourne Gilpatric, assistant director, the humanities, Rockefeller Foundation.
J. L. Hydrick, member of the staff of the international health division of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Rusk Member of Board
D. P. C. Lloyd, member Rockefeller Institute for medical research.
Assistant United States Secretary Dean Rusk, a member of the board of trustees.
Henry Allen Moe, a Rockefeller trustee and member of the executive Committee.
Dean A. Clark, M. D., member of the board of scientific consultants, international health division, Rockefeller Foundation.
Rockefeller Foundation achieved notoriety last year by giving grants of $60,000 and $50,000 respectively to the American Institute of Pacific Relations and the Pacific Council of the IPR. The outlay was made primarily for an international conference at Lucknow, India, in October of last year. The conclave turned into a sounding board for anti-Americanism.
The institute was formerly headed by Prof. Owen Lattimore, Johns Hopkins professor of international relations who was accused of being the “top soviet agent” in the country by Sen. Joseph P.. McCarthy [R., Wis.].
Study Files of IPR
Lattimore hotly denied the accusation. A senate judiciary sub-committee is studying files of the IPR taken during a raid on a barn near Lee, Mass. In addition to Rockefeller Foundation, one of the contributors to the IPR was Frederick Vanderbilt Field, millionaire agent for the Red Chinese in this country and bond fund raiser for indicted communist leaders.
On the IPR board of directors is a prominent Rhodes scholar, John K. Fairbank, professor of history at Harvard university. Fairbank has racked up a record as one of Lattiinore’s chief apologists.
According to the IPR’s own published figures, it received from 1925 thru 1950 a total net income of $2,536,000, of whIch 50 percent was furnished from foundations, chiefly Rockefeller, Carnegie and Carnegie Endowment.
Rhodes scholar Moe not only serves as trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation but also doubles in brass as secretary general of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Parsons a Kingpin
Another Rhodes scholar who figures as the kingpin of a foundation of a difierent sort is Critchell Parsons, wealthy oilman from Dallas, Tex. Parsons is vice president and a trustee of the China International Foundation. The foundation has an interesting history which government investigators are still trying to piece together.
China International Foundation holds the stock of the United Tanker corporation. Col. Arthur G. Syran, head of the economic cooperation administration’s transportation division, stated on April 2 of this year in Washington that two of the tankers owned by United had been involved in the profitable surplus ship deal engineered by former congressman Joseph E. Casey [a deal investigated by the Reconstruction Finance corporation] and that they had also carried oil to communist China and to Russia in 1949.
Morris Heads Foundation
Newbold Morris, New York lawyer and unsuccessful candidate for mayor in the last election, is president of the China International Foundation. He denied allegations of any illegality about the tankers and destiny of their cargoes. He claimed proceeds were aiding Chinese students stranded in this country, as well as Americans studying Chinese subjects.
China International Foundation, like Carnegie and Rockefeller, is allowed to carry on global operations and propaganda, in the furtherance of Cecil Rhodes’ aims, but without having to pay taxes. That means it is another “non-profit, charitable organization.”
Aid British, Global Propaganda
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
New York. July 21—The picture of the American Rhodes scholars network in the United States—a rabid movement toward internationalism—is completed and glued together by their numbers in the field of molding public opinion. They are highly influential in the eastern press, magazines and radio chains.
Rhodes scholars in this country represent 32 campus leaders carefully selected each year to go to Oxford university, England. for supplemental schooling. Their patron, the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder and diamond tycoon, aimed at instilling in his proteges “political bias” rather than education, according to his intimates.
This bias, as revealed by the Rhodes seven wills and writings, was to recover the United States for the British empire in the form of an Anglo-Saxon federation. The federation would be powerful enough to dominate the world and enforce the “peace.”
Time Follows Rhodes’ Line
Closely following the Rhodes’ line of propaganda is the Time, Inc., magazine group headed by Henry Luce. Luce was not a Rhodes scholar but he did spend a year at Oxford where he sponged up some of the imperialistic doctrines carried later in his rnagazines. Several of his top brass editors have been Rhodes scholars.
From the start Luce followed the Anglophile trail, whooping it up for American intervention in war when the British were in trouble and damning pro-Americans as “isolationists.” He is a charter member of the “Eisenhower-for-President” cult, favors entrapment of Republicans by Truman’s so-called bipartisan foreign policy, and the Marshall plan, which has paid off his magazines.
In addition to pushing the British concept of policing the world with American soldiers and economic aid, the Luce publications have been infiltrated by another form of globalism. Whittaker Chambers, devotee of world communism and confessed courier for a soviet spy ring, was a senior editor [$30,000 a year] for Time magazine. Chambers informed on Alger Hiss, Roosevelt adviser at Yalta. Hiss is now in a federal penitentiary for perjury in a case involving soviet espionage.
Rhodes Men on N. Y. Times
The New York Times, which has been pro-British since the First World war, also has its share of Rhodes scholars on the staff. An interesting footnote in journalistic history is that at the time Rhodes’ final will was published in 1902, the New York Times condemned the idea of American scholarship.
“Why should an American youth go to Oxford when he can get a better education at home in respect of those attainments which chiefly make for national greatness?” inquired the Times in 1902.
The New York paper also declared American newspapers were emancipated from the “sterile classicism” of Oxford and Cambridge in England. Times have changed editorially on the Times.
Rhodes scholars are also found on the New York Herald Tribune. This paper has been a fawning pro-British organ ever since its one-time publisher, Whitelaw Reid, became ambassador to the Court of St. James in London. The family later acquired in-laws in the British nobility.
Smear Artist on P-D
Altho the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is not geograflcally an eastern newspaper, it is following the eastern internationalist line without deviation. One of the Rhodes scholars on the Post-Dispatch is Robert Lasch, former smear artist for a Chicago paper.
In the radio medium one of the principal apologists for the New Deal and its blunders in foreign policy is Elmer Davis a Rhodes scholar and left wing commentator. In 1943 he was placed at the head of the office of war information. The OWl was constantly criticized in congress as a communist ridden agency which deliberately misinformed people for propaganda purposes. Most of the 125 millIon dollars of taxpayers’ money spent by Davis’ OWl on pamphlets, films and broadcasts went toward adnauseam glorification of Roosevelt. The agency also publicized Henry A. Wallace’s statement that “the People’s Revolution is on the March.”
The American Oxonian, publication of the Rhodes scholars in this country, lists 22 savants who went to Oxford with the bills paid by the British empire builder and who are now prominent in magazines, newspapers and radio.
Welles, Lindley on Roster
The roster Includes:
Luce Publications — Samuel G. Welles, associate editor, Time; C. T. Solberg, contributing editor, Time; H. B. Hering, on Time New York staff: and Hedley W. Donovan, associate director Fortune magazine.
Newsweek—Ernest K. Llndley, chief Washington bureau, also political commentator for Des Moines Register and Tribune syndicate via radio.
Saturday Evening Post—Beverly Smith, Washington editor.
Kiplinger magazine, Washington — H. L. Brown Jr., managing editor.
New York Times—Thomas J. Hamilton Jr., chief of United Nations bureau and successor to Clarence Streit, Rhodes scholar, president of Federal Union, Inc., a globalist outfit, who covered League of Nations for same paper; Robert Aura Smith, editorial staff; John B. Oaken, editorial board; W. F. Fowle, foreign correspondent.
New York Herald Tribune — William L Nichols, editor This Week Sunday supplement; J. M. Minifie, correspondent Washington bureau, and B. W. Dunlap, writer, New York.
List Monitor Editor
Christian Science Monitor — E. D. Canham, editor, and Donovan Richardson, chief editorial writer.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch—R. P. Brandt, head at Washington bureau, and Robert Lasch, editorial writer.
Baltimore Sun—F. W. Beirne, associate editor.
American Broadcasting company Elmer Davis, news ana]yst.
Columbia Broadcasting company Howard K. Smith Jr., European director, and Charles C. Collingwood, White House correspondent and news analyst.
Rhodes scholars in the public opinion field constitute a faithful claque for their colleagues in the government, primarily the state department which they dominate. With this tie-in, they are attempting to bring about the fulfilment of the lifelong ambitions held by their educational benefactor, Cecil John Rhodes.
Exert Influence on United StatesBY EUGENE GRIFFIN
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
OTTAWA, July 22 — scholars and other British educated Canadians are in a unique position to serve Britain thru Canada’s influence on Washington as a next door neighbor of the United States.
Canada acts as a connecting link between England and the United States, helping to hold the neighboring republic in line with the dominion’s mother country. The linch pin role has been easy for Canada with Dean Acheson, son of a Canadian mother and an English father, serving as American secretary of state.
When Gen. MacArthur displeased Britain and Canada by his efforts to win the Korean war, Canada’s Oxford educated minister for external affairs, Lester B. Pearson, complained that American-Canadian relations had become “difficult and delicate.” Mac Arthur was fired the next day.
Twenty-three on Pearson’s Staff
Pearson’s foreign office staff is packed with Rhodes scholars. There are 23 among 183 staff officers, or one out of every eight, who were educated at Oxford university, England, on scholarships created by Cecil Rhodes, empire builder and diamond mogul who wanted the United States taken back into Britain’s fold.
Other Canadian foreign office members also were educated in England, altho not as Rhodes scholars. Pearson went to Oxford [St. John’s, 1922] on a Massey scholarship, endowed by a Canadian millionaire.
Arnold D. P. Heeney [St. John’s, 1923], undersecretary of state, and Escott M. Reid [Christ Church, 1927], deputy undersecretary, who are Pearson’s principal advisers, are Rhodes scholars. The list of 23 Rhodes scholars in Pearson’s department includes only three French-Canadian names.
Hold Many High Offices
Canadians with an English education fill key positions in official contacts with the United States. They are at the top of the department of external affairs, sit on the department’s American desk in Ottawa, are in the Canadian embassy in Washington, in charge of Oxford educated Ambassador Hume Wrong, and are at the United Nations. Rhodes scholar Arnold C. Smith [Christ Church, 1935] is senior adviser to the Canadian delegation at the U. N.
John W. Pickersgill, leader of the Ottawa government’s palace guard, with the official title of special assistant to the prime minister, went to Oxford on a scholarship given by Canada’s Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire. Pickersgill is a political handyman, speech writer, and contact man for the prime minister, and wields immeasurable influence on Canada’s American relations.
He has been on loan to the prime minister from the department of external affairs since 1937. The Montreal Gazette recently recalled that Pickersgill once was considered “a little left of middle.”
399 Canadian Rhodes Scholars
Norman A. Robertson, a Rhodes scholar (Balliol, 1923]. sometimes called the most brilliant member of the British trained inner circle in the government’s East Block, headquarters of the prime minister and the foreign office, is another important figure in Canada’s relations with Britain and the United States.
He is clerk of the privy council and secretary to the cabinet, and has been undersecretary of state and high commissioner [ambassador] to Britain. He was in the same class at Oxford as Heeney, one year after Pearson.
Many of the 399 Canadian Rhodes scholars have moved to the United States, where 30 are professors or otherwise connected with education. In Canada, 33 work for the dominion government, in addition to the 21 in Pearson’s department; 11 have jobs with provincial governments, including one provincial premier; 72 are in educational work, 65 are practicing law, 28 are in business, and 16 are practicing medicine. Clarence S. Campbell of Montreal, president of the National Hockey league, is a Rhodes scholar [Lincoln, 1926].
High Socalists Included
Edward B. Jolliffe [Christ Church, 1931], leader of the Cooperative Commonwealth federation [Socialist party] in Ontario, where he is a member of the provincial legislature, a n d David Lewis [Lincoln, 1932], former national secretary of the CCF, are Rhodes scholars. With the Socialist party losing strength in Canada, Lewis recently resigned his party job to join Jolliffe’s law firm in Toronto.
George V. Ferguson [Christ Church, 1920], editor of the Montreal Star. and James B. McGeachy, associate editor of the Toronto Globe and Mail, are the only Rhodes scholars in Canadian journalism. The Montreal paper was founded by a man who was made a baron for his services to the British empire. It is noted today for its stodginess.
James Minifie, a Rhodes scholar from Saskatchewan [Oriel, 1923], writes regularly in the Montreal Star, an associated week-end paper, the Standard, and broadcasts over the Canadian government’s radio network as the Washington correspondent of the New York Herald Tribune.
Pearson’s department of external affairs controls the type of news that is broadcast over the Canadian radio’s international service thru Arthur L Pidgeon, another Rhodes scholar [New college. 1938], who has the title of “coordinator of policy.”
Canada sends 11 Rhodes scholars to Oxford each year, chosen, as in the United States, by a committee. Each province may send one scholar, except Prince Edward Island, which has none, and Ontario and Quebec, which may send two scholars per year.
The first scholarships were allotted in 1904, and Quebec’s French Canadians were suspicious of this form of British gift. The Catholic university, Laval in Quebec, waited a year before sending a scholar to Oxford in 1905, sent none in 1906, and then the school’s officials quietly offered the scholarship to Louis S. St. Laurent, Laval’s brightest student, who turned down the Rhodes scholarship to continue his study of law in Quebec. He now in Canada’s prime minister.
Back Rhodes’ Dream
Rhodes wanted America brought back into Britain’s empire and Canada’s Rhodes scholars today are among the Atlantic federation dreamers who want the United States to lose its sovereignty in a union with Canada, Britain, and other countries.
The Canadian senate, whose members are appointed by the government and who could not pass the time of day without the government’s approval, last year passed a resolution calling for an international convention to discuss plans for creation of a “federal union” of the Atlantic pact countries.
Prime Minister St. Laurent whose advisers are Rhodes scholars, expressed a hope in a speech last fall that the federation of Canadian provinces might be followed some day by a world-wide federation. Pearson has said that the North Atlantic alliance should be developed into a federation going beyond mere defense.
It may one day become a political commonwealth,” he has stated. In parliament, however, he has cautioned “one world” enthusiasts that they must not get too far in front of American public opinion.
BY ARTHUR VEYSEY[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
LONDON, July 23—Rhodes scholars educated at Oxford university during the last 48 years under bequests from Britain’s African empire maker, Cecil John Rhodes, now number 2,674. Before Oxford closed for the sumrner vacation, 181. students were studying there as Rhodes scholars, 91 of them from the United States.
All facilities at the university are made available to them and they are special guests in Britain. This enables them to became acquainted with most of the important Britons, if they wish. Three years of this favored, flattering, kindly treatment is almost certain to make them friends of Britain and of the British people.
Receive $1,400 a Year
“Don’t be stingy,” was one of Rhodes’ few instructions and the scholars now receive 500 pounds [$1,400] per year. Originally, students were chosen from the empire, the United States, and Germany. Rhodes said his object was to tighten ties within the empire, among the English speaking races, and between the English speaking people and Germany “so war would be impossible.”
Both World wars caused breaks in the election of German students. None has been chosen since 1939. Of the 85 earlier German scholars, two were leading Nazis, two became anti-British historians, two were executed for the plot against Hitler, another died at the hands of the Gestapo, and two are members of the West German legislature.
None lives in Germany’s Russian ruled eastern zone.
Rhodes ordered selection of youths who would “esteem to the performance of public duties as their highest aim.” His administrators believe he meant that his scholars should become active in all fields, not only in politics and diplomacy. The largest number of former scholars—about 700—have become teachers, 20 of them rising to the presidencies of colleges and universities.
450 Now Are Lawyers
Four hundred and fifty have become lawyer’, about 20 of these becoming judges. Scores are bankers and business men. The British colonial service has recruited several score. One British scholar has become a lord and 12 have been knighted. The scholarship fund administrators boast of their “strong representation” in the American state department.
More that 550 former scholars served in empire units or American armed services during World War II. Of about 350 American former Rhodes scholars of military age, 250 were in uniform.
Rhodes laid down four qualifications for prospective scholars: [1] literary and scholastic attainments, [2] fondness for and success in manly outdoor sports, [3] truth, courage, devotion to duty, and sympathy for the weak, and [4] forceful character and instinct to lead. He suggested that items [l] and [3] should outweigh the other two.
The scholars are chosen on a regional basis by committees made up mainly of former Rhodes scholars. Most students arrive at Oxford at ages between 19 and 25 and remain for three years. Until the post-war years. students could not be married—Rhodes died bachelor. Since the war, wives and babies have been a part of Oxford life but the school is regaining its bachelorhood quickly.
Most Popular Subject
At Oxford, the scholars flood over the classrooms and lecture halls. Before the war, law was the most popular major, but now philosofy, politics, and economics are most sought after.
American scholars, however, have reversed the general trend. Before World War I, 15 per cent of the American scholars majored in philosofy, politics, and economics — known locally as “the modern greats” — but last year the subject attracted only five of the 91 Americans. A random list of favored subjects shows: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, geology, physiology, jurisprudence. modern history, English language and literature, oriental studies, modern languages, forestry, and agriculture.
Fewer than 10 per cent of the scholars win top honors at Oxford. Scholastically, they rate below the average home bred Oxford scholar. They are a strong force in collegiate sports, however. Oxford’s chief rival, Cambridge, tends to blame Rhodes for all athletic defeats.
The Rhodes administrators say their main object is to develop young men who will make good, decent citizens. Most foreign scholars leave Oxford with kind memories of Britain, but the administrators say most also return to their homelands better citizens of their own countries.
Bureau Branded Source of Propaganda[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Bureau Branded Source of Propaganda[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washington, July 25—The main fount of information for congress is under the control of a college professor who was indoctrinated in British ideals under a Rhodes scholarship, inquiry revealed today.
When a senator or a representative wants material for a speech or a report. he frequently calls upon the legislative reference service of the library of congress.
Approximately 35,000 inquiries for information were forwarded thus during 195O and answered by a staff of 174 experts in international economics, international relations, taxation, fiscal policy, government and administration, American law, labor economics, national defense, housing, money, and banking.
In Britain 5 Years
The head of this service, which cost the taxpayer $790,000 last year and for which $922,000 is being asked this year, is Ernest S. Griffith, whose education at Oxford university in England was financed thru payments from the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. Rhodes sought to bring the United States back under British domination thru issuance of scholarships to young Americans.
Griffith spent five years in Britain, acting as warden of the university settlement, Liverpool, England, while he was getting his Oxford education. He later was a lecturer on government at Harvard university, dean of government at Syracuse university, and dean of the school of polltical science at American university. He was appointed director of the legislative reference service in 1940.
Influential In East
Much of the vast flow of information provided members of congress yearly by Griffith and his staff of research experts finds its way into the congressional record and is the basis for numerous newspaper reports.
The same staff prepares reports and pamphlets on a large variety of subjects at the request of congressmen. Most congressmen are unaware that this service, for which they dutifully appropriate large annual sums, is an important part of the American Rhodes scholars propaganda network in the United States which is highly influential in the eastern press, magazines, and radio chains.
According to his intimates, Rhodes aimed at instilling “political bias” rather than education in American youth benefiting from the scholarships which he established. The success of this aim has been outlined in previous articles by William Fulton, the Tribune’s eastern correspondent, who traced the widespread influence of Rhodes scholars in government, in education, in the United Nations, and in privately endowed institutions which further one-world government schemes designed to undermine American sovereignty.
“Scholars” Work Quietly Investigation revealed that Rhodes scholars in key positions in Washington, such as that occupied by Griffith, function so quietly that the effectiveness of their operations goes unnoticed.
The legislative reference service, however, has been subjected to congressional criticism for bias in connection with the spreading of socialist propaganda.
Charges have been made that the service harbored men of communistic tendencies, but no official investigation ever has been made and no definite evidence has been developed.
In 1947, the Griffith staff, at the request of Rep. Patmnn [D., Tex.], compiled a 325 page pamphlet entitled “Fascism in Action,” which was the subject of heated controversy.
Branded Smear of Business
Rep. Busbey [R., Ill.) charged that the document was an attempt to smear American business with the fascist label. He noted that the pamphlet paralleled the communist party line and soviet policy. He cited pro-communist sources and authors relied upon by Griffith’s researchers in the study.
Griffith admitted that a veteran economist had resigned from his staff in protest of the pamphlet’s contents when changes were made in chapters he had written.
Patman, a left-winger, asked for the study of fascism after the library, at the request of Rep. Dirksen [R., Ill.], had made a survey of “Communism in Action” which was assailed by the New York Daily Worker, official communist journal.
One of the “authorities” quoted in the “Fascism in Action” pamphlet was Gunther Stein, named two years later by the army as a communist who was connected with the soviet spy ring in Japan headed by the notorious Richard Sorge.
The pamphlet finally was issued as a house document after it had been revised substantially to include “18 points of similarity in naziism, fascism, and communism” prepared by Busbey.
This revision made the document unpalatable to communist elements and thousands of copies are lying unclaimed in a congressional storeroom.. The project cost the taxpayer thousands of dollars.
Channeled Flow of Gold Under Aid Program BY PHILIP WARDEN
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washingtan, July 26—The Mar shall plan for spreading billions of American dollars all over the world scarcely had been started three years ago when American Rhodes scholars, hold-
ing key government jobs, became active in a campaign to get the lion’s share for Britain. They achieved huge success.
ing key government jobs, became active in a campaign to get the lion’s share for Britain. They achieved huge success.
In advance of the first allotments to foreign nations, Lt. Col. C. H. Bonesteel 3d, a Rhodes scholar of 1934, flew to Europe on May 2, 1948, to prepare the way for W. Averill Harriman, who would direct the distribution of American aid dollars in Europe. The flow of American gold to Britain began shortly thereafter.
Since 1940, more than 37 billion dollars have been given the British at the expense of the American taxpayer in the form of “lend-lease,” a gift-loan, and assistance under the economic cooperation administration program for Europe. In securing this amazing amount for Britain, Rhodes scholars in the United States played a prominent part.
Sought Return to Empire Cecil John Rhodes, the British empire builder who established the Rhodes scholarships in 1904, wanted to bring the United States back into the British empire. In his wildest dreams, it has been noted, he could never have envisioned the tremendous financial contributions by the United States to Britain which British-educated Americans helped to secure.
Sentiment for American financial support of Britain was built up by Rhodes scholars occupying prominent posts in the eastern press, in the educational world, and in privately endowed institutions with widespread propaganda organizations. Meanwhile, Rhodes scholars in the government worked quietly to stimulate the stream of American cash to the British.
Bonesteel, the advance agent for the Marshall plan, has remained in London since 1948. During this period, Britain obtained 2 billion 706 million dollars, by far the largest allotment, under the spending program. President Truman is asking another 8.5 billIons for foreign aid.
Aid Also Rhodes Man
Bonesteel is executive director of the European coordinating cornmittee for the mutual defense assistance program, the MDAP. He has another Rhodes scholar—H. L. Merillot—as his assistant.
Working from the start with Richard M.. Bissell, assistant deputy administrator, was Samuel J. Van Hynlng, another Rhodes man. Bissaell’s office decided how much money each Marshall plan country should be given. Van Hyning did much of the paper work.
Working beside Van Hynlng was Theodore Geiger, who left ECA Oct. 20, 1950. Geiger has been named by Sen. McCarthy [R., Wis.] as a Communist. On leaving the government, Geiger said he was becoming a free lance writer.
Altho Bissell, who is now deputy ECA Administrator, is not a Rhodes scholar, part of his education was obtained in Britain. He attended the London school of economics in 1932 and 1933. Bissell attended Kingswood school, Groton, and Yale, and was a member of the Yale faculty before launching on a government career in 1942. He was executive secretary of the President’s committee on foreign aid before going to ECA.
Directed Trade Division Rhodes scholar Lincoln Gordon was the original director of the ECA “trade” division. This division had been given a new designation and handed over to another Rhodes scholar by July of 1948, however, and Gordon had gone to Paris to direct the program review and recovery division. In that job, Gordon was doing in Paris what Bissell and Van Hyning were doing in Washington. Gordon now is back in Washington as assistant to Bissell.
Succeeding Gordon as chief of the new “fiscal and trade policy division” set up on July 10, 1948, was Arthur Smithies, a native of Australia and the winner of a Rhodes scholarship after his graduation from Tasmania university. Smithies also earned a doctor’s degree in economics from Harvard. He came to ECA from the budget bureau.
One of the younger men of the New Deal top flighters, a Rhodes scholar who has made a career in the government’s give-away programs, is Harlan Cleveland. He attended Oxford In 1938 and 1939, returning to the states to take a job as writer with the farm security administration.
Assisted Henry Wallace
Cleveland went with Henry Wallace to the board of economic warfare and its successor, the foreign economic administration. He went to Italy with the allied control commission in 1944 and graduated to a membership in the allied delegation to the third session of the United Nations relief and rehabilitation administration [UNRRA].
Cleveland headed the UNRRA mission in Rome and then was given a promotion to head of the UNRRA mission to China. When ECA was set up and new American aid voted for China. Cleveland was put in charge.
When the Communists took over most of China, Cleveland was temporarily out of a job but ECA quickly switched him to a “point 4” job which involved planning technical assistance programs for the “dependent areas” of the Marshall plan countries. Cleveland now has the title deputy to the assistant administrator.
When the Communists took over most of China, Cleveland was temporarily out of a job but ECA quickly switched him to a “point 4” job which involved planning technical assistance programs for the “dependent areas” of the Marshall plan countries. Cleveland now has the title deputy to the assistant administrator.
Others in Aid Jobs
Rhodes scholar John M. Cassels is director of research on the staff of the ECA mission to Britain in London. Wilfred Martin Kluss, another Rhodes scholar, went to Paris as a special adviser to Harriman. He is a New York City investment banker by profession. B. E. L. Timmons, another Rhodes protege, is deputy head of the ECA mission to France. A. B. Daspit, another Oxonian, is a top man in the ECA office in Paris. Felix I. Shaffner, a Rhodes man, directs ECA aid to Indonesia.
Dr. Alan Valentine, who headed the ECA mission to the Netherlands in the Marshall plan’s formative years, is another Rhodes man.
Alex I. Henderson, first general [council?] of ECA, altho not a Rhodes scholarship student, studied in England. He attended Trinity college, Cambridge, before his graduation from Harvard law school.
Eric H. Biddle, who went to Europe as special assistant for overseas administration of ECA early in the Marshall plan, received an Oxford education. Biddle was active in the establishment of UNRRA and the United Nations. Later he went back with ECA as special assistant to the chief of the ECA mission to Greece.
Eric H. Biddle, who went to Europe as special assistant for overseas administration of ECA early in the Marshall plan, received an Oxford education. Biddle was active in the establishment of UNRRA and the United Nations. Later he went back with ECA as special assistant to the chief of the ECA mission to Greece.
2 Scholars There Help Support Program
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washington, July 27—Two of the three Rhodes scholars in the United. States congress—Sen. Fulbright [D., Ark.] and Rep. Albert [D., Okla.]—have followed the teachings of their British-financed education, a survey of voting records showed today.
The other Rhodes scholar in congress, Rep. Hale [R., Me.], frequently strays from the path outlined by the late Cecil Rhodes, British empire builder whose fortune has underwritten the Oxford university training of 1,400 Americans.
Rhodes’ dream was an Anglo-American federation which ultimately would return the United States to the British empire. In keeping with that aim, Rhodes scholars fill many key positions in the United States government.
Can’t Resist Indoctrination Rep. Short [R., Mo.]. who studied one term at Oxford university in England—on an American-financed scholarship—shortly after World War I, told a reporter today that Rhodes scholars “can’t help being indoctrinated” in empire philosofy during their three years at Oxford.
“Rhodes scholars are supposed to be mature men and should be able to resist such indoctrination,” Short said. “But when they are at Oxford. everything they hear has an empire slant—the glories of the British empire and all that. In other words, there’ll always be an England—as long as we take care of her.”
Short said he was casting no reflections on his congressional colleagues who are Rhodes scholars. He said his observations were based on talks with Rhodes men who were at Oxford when he studied there. The Missourian said he felt that some of the Oxford teachings are worth while, particularly in the classics, but he said he found Heidelberg university in Germany “more objective.”
“Look Down on Americans” “The main trouble with Oxford,” Short said, “is that there they look down on Americans.
They feel superior to us. Some Americans try to overcome that by assuming the British attitude.”
They feel superior to us. Some Americans try to overcome that by assuming the British attitude.”
Fulbright’s record in congress is one of all-out support for the internationalist activities of the Rooseveit and Truman adrninistrations. As a member of the house in 1943, he sponsored the “Fulbright resolution” which favored American participation in a global organization to “maintain peace,” and was a staunch supporter of the United Nations movement.
His support of internationalism won Fulbrlght a seat on the powerful foreign relations committee when he came to the senate after the 1944 election.
Despite his Internationalism, Fulbrlght has been a thorn in the side of the Truman administration because of his votes on domestic issues. He has thrown his support to the southern Democrats in such matters.
Urged Truman Resignation Two of Fulbright’s actions have particularly irked President Truman. One was his assertion in 1948, when all signs pointed to Mr. Truman’s defeat, that the President should resign. Another was his conduct of the Reconstruction Finance corporation investigation during the past year, which turned up many facts embarrassing to the administration.
So far this year, in spite of his party line defections on domestic issues, Fulbright has a record of 89 per cent support of administration policies.
Albert, a third termer in the house, has gone down the line for administration policies, foreign and domestic, and has a record of 97 per cent support of the administration in his votes this year.
Hale’s Enthusiasm Wanes Hale is the oldest of the Rhodes scholars in congress—he took his master’s degree at Oxford in 1921 —and the years appear to have dulled whatever enthusiasm he may have had for the aims of Cecil Rhodes.
The Maine congressman has a record of 82 per cent support of Republican policies in his house votes this year. Altho he has backed global spending schemes in the past, his recent house speeches have indicated doubt as to the wisdom of the course the state department is following.
Hale is author of a resolution, bottled up in the house foreign affairs committee, which would declare that the Yalta agreement of 1945—which gave Russia freedom to gobble up additional areas of Eurupe and Asia — is no longer binding on the United States.
Hale also took issue with the state department in the case of Gen. MacArthur, when the former Pacific commander was fired by President Truman last spring.
Late in May, Hale gave a pat on the back to another Rhodes scholar, Assistant State Secretary Dean Rusk, in a house debate, but it was in support of Rusk’s speech in which Rusk spoke kindly of the Chiang Kai-shek government of China and charged the Red regime in China was a “colonial Russian government.”
Hale said Rusk’s statements had been “disavowed” by State Secretary Acheson, but that the Rusk, not the Acheson, policy should be followed.
State Dept. Aid Gave Support to Hiss
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washington, July 28—The code instilled in American students by education at Oxford university did not deter a Rhodes scholar from suppressing evidence affecting the security of the United States, inquiry revealed today.
Another Oxonian, not a Rhodes scholar, became a spy when he entered the state department and made the amazing confession that he felt “a glow of pride” when he began feeding the nation’s secrets to a Russian agent.
Some Americans who obtain supplemental education and indoctrination in England, these two incidents indicate, gain an arrogance which permits them to establish their own rules of behavior, setting them above the moral and legal standards which guide the conduct of their fellow countrymen.
Some Americans who obtain supplemental education and indoctrination in England, these two incidents indicate, gain an arrogance which permits them to establish their own rules of behavior, setting them above the moral and legal standards which guide the conduct of their fellow countrymen.
”Political Bias” the Goal Rhodes scholars are men whose education at Oxford is financed thru payments from the estate of Cecil John Rhodes, British empire builder. These scholarships were established for the primary purpose of instilling “political bias” in young Americans in favor of a world federation involving surrender of American sovereignty.
In absorbing this philosofy, at least one Rhodes scholar, the record shows, did not hesitate to conceal evidence against a protégé, even tho such concealment permitted betrayal of American secrets to a foreign government.
One of the Rhodes scholars who penetrated the state department more than 20 years ago was Stanley K. Hornbeck, who became chief of the division of far eastern affairs and political affairs adviser, a top ranking policy post. Along with scores of other Rhodes scholars who infiltrated the state department, Hornbeck played a prominent part in formation of the program which resulted in the loss of China to the Communists.
Defended Hiss’ Character Hornbeck’s name has cropped up frequently in the present investigation of the McCarran committee on internal security which is disclosing a close working relationship between high government officials, known soviet agents, and fellow travelers.
Hornbeck’s assistant was Alger Hiss, now serving a five year prison sentence for purjury to conceal espionage. Hornbeck had been a lecturer on the far east at Harvard university when Hiss was a student there.
Hornbeck appeared as a character witness for Hiss at the first trial of the state department official, asserting that Hiss had an excel1ent reputation for loyalty, integrity, and veracity. He escaped cross-examination at that time, but when he again took the witness stand at the second trial, Prosecutor Tom Murphy was armed with new evidence.
Hornbeck appeared as a character witness for Hiss at the first trial of the state department official, asserting that Hiss had an excel1ent reputation for loyalty, integrity, and veracity. He escaped cross-examination at that time, but when he again took the witness stand at the second trial, Prosecutor Tom Murphy was armed with new evidence.
New Evidence Offered Hornbeck, who had retired in 1945 after a period as ambassador to the Netherlands, again swore that the reputation of Hiss had been unquestioned in the state department.
Murphy confronted Hornbeck with information that William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to Russia and France, had labeled Hiss a Communist party fellow traveler in 1939 in a report sent directly to Hornbeck.
Hornbeck, much perturbed and frequently appealling to the court, finally admitted reluctantly that Bullitt had made the charge against Hiss to him, based on information received in Paris. But Hornbeck kept the report to himself and never told anyone else about it, he said, offering the excuse that “His was very close to me.”
Hornbeck, much perturbed and frequently appealling to the court, finally admitted reluctantly that Bullitt had made the charge against Hiss to him, based on information received in Paris. But Hornbeck kept the report to himself and never told anyone else about it, he said, offering the excuse that “His was very close to me.”
Not until nine years after Bullitt reported to Hornbeck was the truth about Hiss made known in the testimony of Whittaker Chambers, admitted soviet courier. Hiss was convicted on evidence that he gave secret state department documents to a Russian spy ring.
Wadleigh Testimony Recalled
During the same period, Henry Julian Wadleigh, a state department economist, was funneling approximately 500 confidential documents to Moscow, according to his court confession in 1950.
Wadleigh, American-born, was taken abroad by his father, rector of the Episcopalian church in Paris for a long period. Wadleigh received his master of arts degree at Oxford and his bachelor of sciences degree at the London College of Economics. He returned to the United States in 1929 and entered the government service in 1930. He joined the state department in 1936.
Wadleigh gave a startling, candid account of his reasons for engaging in espionage soon after he entered the state department.
In his own mind, he said, he was neither a thief nor a traitor. He insisted from the witness stand at the Hiss trial that he did not “steal” documents. He was aware, he said, that he was violating his oath of allegiance to the United States, but he considered himself guilty of neither espionage nor illegal activity.
Defends His Course
“I was doing the right thing in accord with my convictions at that time,” he told the jury. “I was not spying against the United States. The information I gave Russia was to be used against Germany and Japan, not my own country.”
When he entered the service of a Russian agent, he continued, “I felt “a glow of pride.”
“I was doing something practical to protect mankind from its worst enemies,” he said. “The risks involved in the undertaking made me nervous, but more often they were exhilarating.”
Hiss and Wadleigh were unaware of each other’s espionage. Chambers, following well known espionage tactics, never told one about the activities of the other.
Influence Goes Back to Elmer Davis[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washington, July 30—The influence of American Rhodes scholars in the public opinion field has been traced in part to the operations of the biggest war propaganda machine in history —the 1942-45 office of war information.
The OWI served as a training school for 10,000 experts in swaying public opinion thru the radio, press, magazines, and books. Its graduates have spread out thru the eastern publishing world, the motion picture industry, and the radio networks.
At the head of the OWI was Elmer Davis, Rhodes scholar and New Deal commentator, who presided over the agency during the three years of its life and spent 125 million dollars on films, broadcasts, pamphlets, and books.
Back on Radio Now
Davis resumed his radio work when the OWl was dissolved in August, 1945, and consistently exhibits a pro-British, pro-state department, and pro-administration attitude.
President Truman wanted to keep the OWl functioning after the war and asked 42 million dollars to maintain it. When congress slashed this fund to 18 millions, he yielded to public pressure and ordered it abolished, altho he denounced congressional critics of the agency in so doing. He sent Davis a letter, commenting that plenty of brickbats had been thrown his way but complimenting him for a job well done.”
Davis received his higher education at Oxford university, England, under a fund established by Cecil John Rhodes, the empire builder. Rhodes sought to bring the United States back under British domination thru educational awards for young American students and other “colonials.”
Biggest Propaganda Setup
During World War II, Davis operated the biggest radio network in the nation; the largest single enterprise disseminating news, pictures, and features; the world’s largest pamphlet and magazine publishing organization. The agency turned out hundreds of millions of pamphlets, motion pictures, transcribed recordings, magazines, and newspapers. Davis had been news analyst for the Columbia Broadcasting system when selected by President Roosevelt to head the OWI. His socialist views preceded those of the present Labor government in Great Britain. He publicly supported the Socialist party candidate in 1932 and helped found the leftist American Labor party which later came under the control of Communists. Communist penetration of the OWI under Davis was aired repeatedly in congress.
He’s a “News Analyst”
Davis is now “news analyst” for the American Broadcasting Company. When communist allegations were bared last year concerning Owen Lattimore, a state department consultant, Davis became one of the most violent critics of Sen. McCarthy [R., Wisj, who brought the charges. Lattimore had been a deputy director of OWI Pacific operations under Davis during the war.
When the OWI broke up, many of its 10,375 employes drifted into the state and other government departments but a majority sought jobs in the radio and publishing fields. There, those who absorbed the Davis training have pushed the British concept of policing the world with American soldiers and economic aid and have fought for a world federation under which the United States would surrender its sovereignty.
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